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WMG / I'm the Grim Reaper

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Azrael's domain is death.
He mentions once that seeing the future isn't actually his power, it's just a consequence of it. This would make a lot of sense if he can see the future because he can see how others will die.
  • Confirmed.

Satan's ultimate goal is to have Scarlet kill him in order to spite God
Satan has some sort of plan for her, and for whatever reason, has chosen not to heal the damage she's done to him in their fights. He has also mentioned that he wants to kill Chase in order to enrage her beyond all reason. God has mentioned that they have made Satan unable to kill himself. Perhaps his ultimate plan is to mess up God's plan by making Scarlet powerful enough to kill him as a form of Loophole Abuse.

God is the reincarnation of a being condemned to their version of the 9th level of Hell, and is completely oblivious to this
Apparently, God simply began existing. They existed for the equivalent of a quintillion years, while everything around them was nothing. Sound familiar? It's the same for beings of the 9th circle.The implication is obvious: There was a universe before God, but it is irrelevant. Because after being sent to their version of the afterlife, the unknown soul that would become God lost everything worthwhile to sensory deprivation - their sanity, their memories, their sense of self - but retained their ability to observe. And after one quintillion years of subconscious meditation, unable to choose or hate their own enlightenment, they ascended to godhood. God has created their own entire reality and yet is completely oblivious to their own past. This contradiction of power has given them an unending hunger for identity. And if they were a sinner before, then this nature is left unchecked and uncriticized by all.The most horrible thing would be God refusing to put the 9th-circle sinners out of their misery, allowing them to eventually become amnesiac, amoral gods without God knowing, starting this whole pointlessly cruel cycle of divine life over again.

God's death was due to realizing that they were missing important context about mortals and deciding to reincarnate as one to gain that understanding before doing anything irreversible.

Alternatively, God is the greatest sinner of all time that Satan says he dealt with personally.
