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WMG / Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series

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You'll get a section where you control Groot
Any conversation is just basically choosing which inflection to use, like "I Am Groot." "I Am Groot!" "I Am Groot?"
  • The "X will remember that" icon that pops up afterwards will read, "I am Groot"
    • Not quite. In the fifth episode you control Groot and are given actual options of what to say, but they all come out as "I Am Groot".

  • Perhaps a very lost-looking Fiona and Rhys will appear as cameos.

The game will be in canon with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, not just inspired by.
Very unlikely but it'd be cool to have a good game as part of the canon. Plus this could help account for what looks to be a large gap in the timeline between Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and Avengers: Infinity War.
  • Probably jossed as Thanos dies in the first episode. But it still could fit in with a few changes.
    • Even ignoring that, this is jossed since in the flashback it is shown Yondu picking up Peter after his mother's funeral, while in the movie he was picked up after immediately running out after his mother's death.

The original '69 Guardians will appear in the background fluff
A possibility, if the "artifact" they're alleged to be hunting enables some form of time travel

Star Lord will have his cinematic backstory but will pretend to have his comics backstory in order to sound more impressive

The main villain will be...
  • The Universal Church of Truth, perhaps including Magus
  • Badoon
  • Korvac, coming from an alternate universe where he already defeated the original Guardians
  • Perhaps each of the Guardians will have one major archenemy chasing them, each of them finally uniting to take the team down in the climax: Yondu/a Ravager for Star Lord, Nebula for Gamora, Blackjack O'Hare for Rocket, etc.
  • Thanos as seen in the trailer.
    • Thanos is jossed as he dies in the first episode.
  • The first episode suggests it will be Hala the Accuser.

Thanos will pull off a Hijacked by Ganon
No way do they just up and kill one of the Marvel Universe's biggest villains so early and easily. He'll pop up good and healthy in the final episode.
  • Unlikely, since the guy is literally in love with Death. He might not even want to come back. Of course, that doesn't mean he won't, say, have his corpse reanimated by the game's actual Big Bad, especially if it ended up in the hands of the Collector. Or perhaps Nebula using the forge to kill herself and bring back Thanos. Or kill someone else and bring back Thanos.

The Thanos at the beginning was actually one of his Thanosi clones
Because theres no way the real Thanos would be dumb and weak enough to be easily duped and killed in that way.

The Eternity Forge is an Artifact of Doom
Sure, equivalent exchange sounds benign enough, except that effectively makes the only way to reverse a tragic loss to inflict another tragic loss. In the case of Hala and the Kree, that amounts to killing billions of people, each of whom will no doubt have someone who misses them... probably enough to make another sacrifice. And if the current owner resists having it taken from them, they'll likely be killed in the course of doing so, or kill whoever was seeking it, causing even more senseless deaths. Given that the Forge was found in a Kree temple, this is probably intentional (though meant to cause the extinction of races who can't resist the temptation, rather than themselves).

Starhawk will make an appearance
That guy who perpetually relives his own past? Because the Eternity Forge allows someone to relive their past? Just a possibility.

The reason Thanos wanted the Eternity Forge...
Is so he could forcibly drag Death herself into the realm of life proper, thus making phenomenal waves in the universal order.

Peter will be able to understand Groot
He and Groot will have a moment with the Eternity Forge and once he's back in the present, he'll be able to understand him like Rocket does.
  • Jossed. While Peter does end up entering one of Groot's memories, it doesn't seem to help him understand Groot any better.

Nebula will be able to join the guardians
It will only happen if you make the choices necessary to help her reconnect with Gamora, but if you make the right choices, she may end up joining the other guardians on the Milano, especially if rocket makes good on his idea to retire.
  • Confirmed, although there are some unexpected detours on the way. Such as her performing a Heroic Sacrifice to save Gamora.

Thanos and the Eternity Forge
It sure seems weird that the Guardians were able to kill Thanos so easily, right? Well, he had just grabbed the Eternity Forge, which requires people's deaths to work and is looking for a person who can wield it responsibly. Thanos would not be that person, so it's possible the Forge took his life force ahead of schedule.
