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On a future game set in the Maniac Mansion World
There's interest at Telltale Games in doing another game set in Maniac Mansion's world, with its CEO, Dan Connors, saying that an episodic game based on Day of the Tentacle would be "feasible", although, with a catch that doing so hinges on the sales of their Monkey Island games. Now, assuming Maniac Mansion 3 gets greenlighted here's a list of scenarios:

  • It follows one of the kids from the first Maniac Mansion who have yet to appear beyond it. Possibly even Razor, considering how she was planned for Day of the Tentacle.
    • It's safe to say that with Telltale going under, any plans to further add to the franchise disappeared with it. The HD version is the most we're likely ever to see and that still had to come from Double Fine.

Maniac Mansion follows the same time travel rules as Back to the Future
That is, the player goes through one timeline, but it changes from the actions of Bernard and his friends. That means there are versions of the timeline where the heroes fail to stop Purple with Laverne and Hoagie staying lost in time. These timelines end depressingly for Bernard since he has to live his life knowing his best friends are gone and humanity is being conquered.

The reason Dr. Fred already had a time machine on hand was because he wanted to go back in time and sign the contract.
And possibly also to prevent the incident that traumatized his son.
