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WMG / Dark Deception

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E's identity

E is Elise Clarissa Houser, as implied by one of her later notes. Not to mention the way the Reaper Nurses offered to make her one of them - Reaper Nurses are born from the souls of those who've been abused by men. Additionally, she appears to have some memories of a handsome man who could be Doug and a bridge which is where she expired. Plus, she seems to be attracted to Mama Bear, an amalgamation of abusive mothers, which is fitting considering Elise wasn't exactly the sanest woman.

Joy Joy Gang's souls

Each member of the Joy Joy Gang represents a certain animal that humans kill en masse, usually for meat to eat.
  • Penny: Both eggs and chicken (meat)
  • Hangry: Bacon, pork, ham, etc
  • Lucky: Rabbit meat and fur is used in clothing, and generally killed off as pests and/or an invasive species.
    • This would also be interesting because Word of God describes them as soulless beings that are not of human origin. In a few iterations of the Bible, animals are said not to have souls in the way humans do.
    • Animals are also creatures driven by their base desires, such as hunger, self-preservation, and sex. The Joy Joy Gang all take these most basic instinctive drives way up; Lucky is obsessed with himself and is described as being a very sexual being, Penny is obsessed with her physical appearance (which animals may sometimes focus on to find a proper mate, especially since Penny, as a bird, is literally always "preening" herself) and Hangry is obsessed with satisfying his constant hunger. The Joy Joy Gang represent the most basic of animalistic drives with none of the positive traits both animals and humans are capable of having.

Everything is happening because of Tammy

By which, I mean, all of the trouble that Doug is going through is Tammy's wish. She wanted Doug to suffer as she and her mother did in life: trying his hardest to obtain something and failing through no meaningful fault of his own because what he wants is actually impossible. Tammy wanted her father's love and care but didn't have it because he couldn't see past her emotional problems. Doug wants his wife and daughter to have a new and better life at the cost of himself but Tammy will refuse any result that doesn't include Doug's endless failure to succeed because she now hates him too much to even CARE about a better life. Malak and by extension the Nightmares already know this, which is why they keep telling him to stop trying to get the Ring. Tammy's wish is so powerful it'll supersede anything the Ring could do to stop it.

Possible Guest characters for Monsters & Mortals
