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     Season 1 
Jake's biology teacher, Ms. Fairchild, is related to Charles Lee Ray in some fashion
There were some odd vibes she was giving off. For starters, she allows Jake to have the doll in class (whereas some teachers would take whatever they thought would be distractions) and voluntarily locks Chucky in the cabinet per Jake's request. Even more bizarre, after speaking with Lexy about what she had done, she shuts the door and turns the light off leaving Lexy behind with Chucky. Why else would she do that unless she knew something about the doll's infamy?
  • Wasn’t stated that Jake had recently lost his mother? I imagine most teachers would adopt a light-touch approach because of that. The doll isn’t that distracting and if it’s some sort of emotional crutch, where’s the harm?
  • She could very possibly be Glenda from Seed of Chucky. Her human form at the end of that movie had curly red hair, very much like Ms. Fairchild does.
    • Somewhat doubtful, as this series takes place in 2017 (October 2017 in the first and second episodes), shortly after Cult of Chucky that was also set in that year. Since the majority of the Seed of Chucky plot took place in 2004 (when Glen(da)'s soul(s) were transferred from their single doll body into Jennifer Tilly's newborn twins) and the ending of that film took place in 2009 (five years later, when Glen and Glenda's human forms were celebrating their fifth "birthday" and physically appeared to be five-year-olds, following typical norms of human aging), that would only make Glenda around thirteen years old at the time of the series by that logic.
  • The season one ending has her present at the cemetery implying she's looking after the kids, but the way it was staged does make one wonder if the character still has more to be discovered about.

There will be a Take That! towards the 2019 remake
Chucky will discuss his history with Jake, and he'll talk about that one time Hollywood tried to make a movie about his legend. They will then mention a reboot to that movie, and Chucky will go on a rant about how they made him "a Skynet wannabe that sounds like Luke Skywalker." They will also mention that in-universe, they couldn't get the rights to use Good Guy dolls, so they had to rename the doll "Buddi."

Jake is Chucky's son
Just throwing it out there! He doesn't seem interested in harming Jake and has defended him so far.
  • The show is set in the fall of 2017. Given Jake's age, he would have been conceived between Chucky dying in Bride (1998) and being revived in Seed (2004).
    • A closer look at the headstone of Lucas does say it takes place in 2021. This is still likely Jossed, though.

Chucky is taking advantage of Jake's situation to turn him into a killer
Chucky relates to Jake somehow and is trying to make him follow the path of a killer.
  • Confirmed.
    • Only partly confirmed though. Although he did want Jake to become a killer, it wasn't because he related to him, but rather because he needed a vulnerable child to manipulate and corrupt into committing murder in order to complete a voodoo ritual that would allow him to wake his army. Which kid was irrelevant, and as soon as Jake stopped being a good candidate Chucky immediately considers him an enemy and target.

Chucky didn't kill the cat: he possessed it.
All we saw was a bit of bloody fur, but no body. The cat has long ginger hair which could be foreshadowing. And his name is Binx, which may be a reference to Thackeray Binx from the classic Halloween movie Hocus Pocus, who was actually a human trapped in cat form and was effectively immortal. Now, Chucky had said before that the voodoo spell could help him possess anything with legs and a hand for stabbing, but that sounds more like what he would find practical rather than the specifics of the spell. Surely if he can use it to transform himself into a human and a doll, he can also do it with animals. I better hope the cat doesn't reappear...
  • Jossed. The epilogue of the season 1 finale has Chucky confirm that he did kill the cat, but thankfully didn't give any details about how

Junior is gay.
In the first episode, Junior seems rather fixated on Jake's sexuality. In the second episode, he feels uncomfortable when his girlfriend wants to have sex with him, suggesting that they hug instead. Although not conclusive, both would make sense if Junior himself were questioning his sexuality, as does the fact that he is so uncomfortable by the fact that Jake is living at his home and trying to bond with him.And he doesn´t dare tell anyone about it because it is already established that his father has huge expectations for him, and has conditioned Junior to please him as much as he can.
  • Jossed. By the end of season 1, there is no indication whatsoever that Junior is gay.

Aunt Bree is related to Chucky
Chucky seems to know Aunt Bree. Is she maybe a member of his family?
  • He only knows her because he overheard her on the phone when the family visited Jake's in episode 1.

Lexy's younger sister will eventually help defeat Chucky.
Although she is fascinated by Chucky, the girl with the photographic memory will eventually be key in defeating the evil doll at the end of the series, somehow. She probably won´t be able to stop him from killing Lexy, though.
  • Jossed. Lexy survives season 1 and Caroline never does anything to help stop Chucky: indeed she remains quite infatuated with the doll to the very end

Junior will have a redemption arc.
Junior seemed shocked at Lexy's cruel treatment of Jake, despite himself not being particularly nice to his cousin. It may be that he will warm up to Jake, maybe as they both can relate to being unable to keep up with their fathers' expectations and will eventually become a better person and an ally to Jake. He will also break up with Lexy.
  • Partly confirmed. He does not become a better person, going as far as to kill his own father after being goaded into it by Chucky. But he does redeem himself at the end of season 1, refusing to help Chucky corrupt Lexy and attacking Chucky instead. Although he manages to kill a Chucky doll, he dies in the process

Chucky and Jake will exchange bodies
Chucky will "borrow" Jake's body and Jake will end up in the doll's body at some point.
  • Jossed for season 1 and unlikely to happen as Chucky doesn't seem particularly interested in taking any more human bodies.

Glen/Glenda will NOT appear in the series
We only got a reference for Glen/Glenda so far and that is it. Glen/Glenda will not make an appearance in the series as some may want or hope for.
  • Jossed: They have been cast and appear in the trailer for Season 2.

The series will end on a cliffhanger
But then a tease for a season two or possibly a new movie will be given.
  • Confirmed.

Lexy will get a Heel–Face Door-Slam
Lexy will start to realize the error of her ways as the Chucky attacks mount up. She will start to amend things with people like her family, but Chucky kills her before she really gets the chance to atone for her actions with Jake.
  • Considering that the description for the fourth episode states that "Jake's bond with Devon intensifies as he teams up with an unlikely ally to outwit Chucky," maybe that "unlikely ally" will be Lexy (since certain preview footage seems to show Jake, Lexy, and Devon confronting Chucky together in what appears to be a burned house). She does already seem to be showing hints of a newfound appreciation and respect for Jake as of the third episode (even if her initial apology to get what she wanted for Caroline was transparently phony), despite her outward rejection of the possibility that Jake giving her sister Chucky would change anything - though how Chucky turning out to be a homicidal doll that Jake knowingly gave her family will affect matters is anyone's guess.

Chucky is planning to turn the whole town into his Cult. Maybe even the world.
Chucky started killing for fun. Then, he killed for both fun and revenge. Now, he seems interested in corrupting kids into becoming killers. Although he may be trying to establish some sort of legacy in his hometown by passing the torch to Jake same as the Hackensack Slasher did to him, we know Chucky by this point is more than a mere slasher; he can occupy a probably unlimited number of bodies and has thus achieved immortality. Where does he go from there? It may be that the Cult he spoke about in Cult of Chucky is not so much the multiple Chucky's, but his master plan and project, to turn as many people as possible into either vessels or followers who worship him, and watch them terrorize the world. What would make someone like Chucky happier than seeing the whole world go to hell because of him?
  • Jossed, somewhat. His grand plan was to create an army of himself and send it all over the US to continue terrorizing and murdering people everywhere, and presumably, create new armies of dolls every time he corrupted an innocent into killing. If the latter part is true however it may still be that world-conquering is his ultimate goal rather than just the US

Chucky will finally get exposed to the public by the end of season 1
Devon will bait Chucky by rigging cameras all over his house and Livestream the climax. While there may still be some skeptics, Chucky will no longer be able to blend in without suspicion, and everybody he has gotten institutionalized will potentially get released.
  • Jossed.

Devon's mother will end up dying
I am very surprised Chucky has not gone after her yet.
  • Confirmed in Episode 6

Chucky and Tiffany are trying to select a kid to be their child
It appears that Chucky and Tiffany want to start a twisted version of a happy family at Chucky's old place and they want to have a child of their own. Either they are looking for a body suitable to transfer Glen/Glenda into, or one of the two. The whole time they have been trying to see which of the three kids (Jake, Lexy, and Junior) would be most easily turned into their murderous lifestyle. It is indeed a sort of contest. This explains also why Lexy inexplicably escaped alive and unharmed from the burning house: she still had to go through the test.
  • Jossed. The whole point of Chucky trying to convince a kid to kill someone was to complete a voodoo ritual that would allow him to bring an army of himself to life.
    • It could be argued Chucky and Tiffany intended Junior for a similar relationship as Chucky had with Eddie Caputo. But things fell apart before any such thing could happen long term.

Jake's teacher is either Glen or Glenda
  • Left ambiguous as of the season 1 finale. Glenda is mentioned but no overt association is ever made between her and the teacher.
  • Jossed in that Glen and Glenda appear in the trailer similar to how they were in Seed's ending. However, that doesn't rule out the teacher being related to Chucky somehow.

Junior's family is related to Chucky's family somehow and Chucky wants him to be his son due to their shared blood
A bit of a stretch but who knows?
  • No direct confirmation as it would feel like if Chucky had known this he would have played that card.

Tiffany will seduce, then kill Logan in order to make Junior an orphan and adopt him
Since people seem to think she is the real Jennifer Tilly it is unlikely that she would be denied, as she has the money to take care of a child.
  • Jossed. Tiffany merely makes it look like she was having an affair with Logan in order to get Junior to kill his father himself.

Chucky will transfer his soul into Junior himself
Chucky could conceivably be missing living in a youthful male body, and Junior is also handsome and athletic, all of which would make him an interesting potential vessel.
  • Jossed.

Chucky or Tiffany will take over the mayor's body and take control over the town
And then she suffers a horrible death of course.
  • Jossed. It doesn't seem like Chucky is interested in controlling the town- indeed his ambitions are greater than that as shown in the season 1 finale

A completely new doll body will be introduced, different from Chucky, Tiffany or Glen/Glenda
If indeed Chucky and Tiffany are trying to start over, they may have a new doll body ready for their adopted child. This is assuming the Glen/Glenda doll is lost/ignored.
  • Based on the season 1 finale, Nica getting her own doll might be the happiest ending she could hope for.

Andy and Kyle will eventually adopt Jake and Junior
Jake is an orphan, and it is likely Logan won't make it to the end of the series thus leaving Jake and, if he survives, Junior, orphaned completely. Although there is still no indication that Andy and Kyle are anything but former foster siblings they could still, conceivably, adopt the kids into their family.

The end of the series will mark the final and permanent defeat of Chucky
Honestly, not even I believe this but it's WMG after all. The series is doing its best to portray Chucky and Tiffany as irredeemable sadists so it may feel unsatisfactory if they win at the end.
  • This is a horror franchise. "Satisfactory" good guys defeat bad guys endings don't always happen. Plus many a movie's final resolution endings are rendered moot by the sequel. At least part of the fanbase prefers it that way. Let alone how much continuing the series is now is such a passion project for Mancini and the cast, whatever actually ends up being the last Chucky movie/season likely will probably still be open-ended.

Voldemort will be mentioned at some point
Someone is bound to comment on the similarity between Chucky's soul splitting and Voldemort's horcruxes, with Chucky actually being far more successful than Voldemort in his attempts to conquer death.
  • Jossed as of the season 1 finale.
  • What if the Heart of Damballa is Chucky's Horcrux, where he's at his most 'human', what Chucky's Voodo teacher was really talking about all the way back in the first movie? Like, every time he's killed temporarily his soul just goes back into it. He did describe his afterlife as an empty void in his Hack/Slash crossover. Destroy the amulet, Chucky gets stuck in whatever body he's possessed and Andy can finish him off.

A younger Dr. Death/John will appear
We will learn of how Chucky learned voodoo from him and hopefully why John was dense enough to show Chucky where he kept his own voodoo doll.
  • As of the season 1 finale, he has not appeared, but Chucky does mention Damballah and openly attributes his powers to said Loa. If he is to be stopped in a future season it seems likely that his voodoo past and practice will be explored more in depth and Dr. Death could indeed make an appearance or at least be mentioned.

Devon will die in the penultimate episode
Due to his appearing kidnapped in the promo for the seventh episode, and considering this is Chucky we're talking about, he would likely smite Jake by taking away his crush especially after they sealed the deal with the Official Couple status.
  • Jossed. The jury's still out on whether or not he'll die in the finale, though.
  • He doesn't

Junior's parents are actually Jesse and Jade from Bride of Chucky
It would make sense since Tiffany knows Logan well enough to visit and for him to know her during the funeral. Tiffany even uses the same mannerisms with Logan as she did with Jesse. Given the timeline, Jesse and Jade would be old enough to have a child, and with the events that occurred in Bride of Chucky, it would make sense they would change their names from Jesse and Jade to Logan/Bree due to the bad publicity given to them.
  • It wouldn't explain how Luke has the same surname as Logan.
  • Jossed. By the end of season 1, there is absolutely no indication that Logan and Bree aren't Junior's real parents.

The season one finale will be a Bolivian Army Ending
Chucky betrays Junior For the Evulz and kills him while gloating that he's the one who murdered his mother. Meanwhile, Lexy is revealed to be possessed by Chucky all along ever since he ambushed her and he takes control of her body at the last minute to try to murder Jake and Devon. Either Jake or Devon is forced to kill her and gets arrested for it while the other goes into hiding with Andy and Kyle to battle against Chucky's Hive Mind army of dolls.
  • Jossed. The season 1 finale does end with Junior dying but it is he who turns against Chucky first, refusing to corrupt Lexy into becoming a killer also. Chucky stabs him in the chest and they both die (although Junior doesn't have any spare bodies as Chucky does)

All the Good Guy dolls have the souls of the kids Chucky manipulated
He lured the kids somewhere, did his voodoo thing to transfer their souls, and placed them into the Good Guy dolls.
  • Jossed. The finale reveals that all the dolls are possessed by Chucky.

The reason why there are so many Good Guy dolls is because Tiffany bought the rest on eBay or a similar site
I read a post somewhere that Jennifer Tilly's net worth is more than enough to afford to buy a bunch of these dolls for Chucky.

Andy becomes a Good Guy Doll
In the events of the finale when Andy is mortally wounded, what better way to combat his archenemy than to fight him at his own size? Perhaps he could subdue a Good Guy doll under Chucky's control, expel its soul, and call on Damballa to possess it.

It would be richly ironic for Andy to use the symbol of his childhood trauma to fight Chucky, and should there be more films down the line, Andy could become Chucky's Good Counterpart.

  • Jossed at least for season 1. With a second season on the way though, this is not beyond the realm of possibility. Maybe Jake, Devon, and Lexy could become dolls too.

     Post-Season 1 
Chucky will continue as an anthology series
Season 2 and ongoing will have a different cast, with only Brad Dourif, Fiona Dourif, Jennifer Tilly, Alex Vincent, and Christine Elise in recurring roles.
  • Jossed. The season 2 trailer reveals that the characters from season 1 will return.

Ms. Fairchild is Chucky and Tiffany's daughter
A flashback revealed that Tiffany is a natural redhead. She was conceived around the same time Chucky turned into a doll. Tiffany put her up for adoption because she couldn't handle raising her alone.

The character that Meg Tilly portrays will echo her previous notable film roles
Given that Meg Tilly (who is a younger sister of Jennifer Tilly) has disclosed that she will appear in the second season of the series, and also since she stated that showrunner Don Mancini has an extensive knowledge of filmography, her role will likely allude to previous films that she has performed in (e.g., since the second season appears to at least partly take place in a Catholic school or religious institution, she will play a nun, possibly one falsely accused of one or more of Chucky's murders, as an allusion to Agnes of God, and/or her character will develop a Sympathy for the Devil and attempt to befriend Chucky and Tiffany as an allusion to her part in another previous Slasher Movie, Psycho II).
  • One other guess: Since her sister Jennifer is playing Tiffany in Jennifer Tilly's body (and the series appears to be catching Child's Play fans up to speed about how Tiffany continues to possess and impersonate her since Seed of Chucky), maybe Meg will appear as herself as well, not knowing that her sister is now Tiffany, but possibly suspecting that something is amiss from her sister's unusual behavior and personality quirks.
  • Confirmed. Meg Tilly appears as herself in episode 4 and does notice Jennifer (rather Tiffany) acting strange.
    • Or she plays as the person who is using Chucky to snap photos of the trio

Kyle will return... as a doll
While Andy could've reasonably survived the explosion in the finale by diving for cover, Kyle was at the blast zone and may not have been so lucky - not to mention she's nowhere to be seen when Andy steals the truck and is included in Chucky's final kill count in the epilogue. But she was also never explicitly shown dying, and a hand wearing a glove like hers is seen in the finale watching the kids at the cemetery. It's possible that Kyle was the voodoo expert between herself and Andy since she's the one to tell the kids that Chucky needs identical vessels to split his soul, but was also still trying to figure out how Nica was the exception. In order to keep ahead of Chucky she may have prepared a spell to send her soul into her own custom doll in case the worst happened to her or Andy. In the second season, she'll pull another Big Damn Heroes against a Chucky and scare the kids until they realize it's her.
  • Jossed. Kyle returns as a human and seemingly without much damage at the end of episode 4.

There will be multiple Bride Dolls like there are Good Guy Dolls
Just like with the Good Guy Dolls, there are likely many Bride Dolls out there we've yet to see or witness.

Andy will end up dying in Season 2
A reviewer on Youtube called Critical Overlord who was able to watch the first 3 episodes stated there is a 'big shock' in episode 4. Perhaps this would involve Andy finally dying off. His video is spoiler free and can be found here

Trevor will be the bully character in season 2
I think he'll be the bully character in season 2, and whenever he does decide to change he'll likely be killed by Chucky.
  • Jossed, at least the last part. In episode 3 he is killed by Buff Chucky without ever having a chance at redemption. His role, however, is definitely of a bully.

Incarnate Lord will be shut down or burnt down by the end of season 2
After all the murders Chucky will likely do, this would result in the place being shut down. Either that or Chucky lights it up on fire.

Dr. Mixter (the therapist) is Tiffany's Mother
It's all a little too convenient, isn't it? She just so happens to have a doll that looks just like the vessel Tiffany would need to split herself up the way Chucky has. She sends the kids to a school that just happens to be Chucky's old haunt when he was their age. Maybe she's directly related to Tiffany and helping her with her plans - or at the very least, enacting her own scheme to help clean up what she perceives as her daughter's mess.
  • Except wasn't she said at one point to have been killed by Chucky?

Glen/Glenda will turn against Tiffany in season 2
They will turn against their mother to join forces with Nica and Chucky in some way.
  • Alternately, Glen will try to help Nica while Glenda will fully throw their lot in with their mom. After all, Glenda was much more vicious than Glen was.
  • Partly confirmed. Glen and Glenda do help Nica escape but Glen stays behind to try and help their mother/get to the bottom of what's going on.

Chucky has possessed Andy
The reason Andy disappeared after the truck crash at the start of Season 2 is that one of the surviving Chucky dolls got ahold of him and finally finished what they started 30 years earlier. Now, Andy-Chucky is the one calling the shots and planning the revenge scheme on Tiffany.

Nica will have her soul transferred to a doll
Since Tiffany has chopped off her limbs, this will be the only way in which she will be able to regain autonomy and maybe even a chance to get revenge on Tiffany and Chucky. She might go into a doll and take them by surprise in some way before the end of a series, and either die at the end or be the sole remaining possessed doll.

Bald Chucky and One Arm Chucky will make another appearance
  • Confirmed for Bald Chucky who plays an important role as The Colonel.

Karen Barclay may appear at some point
Perhaps taken as a hostage by Chucky in a desperate attempt to get rid of Andy once and for all.

Tiffany will eventually be expelled from Jennifer Tilly's body
However, Jennifer Tilly will still be forced to take the fall for all the crimes she did while possessed.
  • Mostly Jossed. Jennifer Tilly IS blamed for Tiffany's crimes, but she dies while in the Tiffany doll leaving Tiffany in possession of her own body and unable to switch back (as of the penultimate episode of season 2).

Father Bryce will reference Final Destination
Since his actor Devon Sawa got his big break in the first film of the franchise. He could reference it in dialogue, or even die in a way reminiscent of the film.
  • Jossed. Final Destination is not referenced, and he dies in a very over-the-top way even when compared to said movie.

Devon Sawa will play a new character every season
  • This is looking likely.

The psychiatrist is Tiffany
She'd been possessed by a piece of her soul for a while now and everything she's done has been part of Chucky's plan.

Glen and/or Glenda will die
And it'll cause Tiffany to become even more unhinged and more dangerous than Chucky and his army.

Kyle will return but all burned from the explosion
  • Confirmed. She suffered from burns and lost an ear, and apparently is wearing a wig so she might have lost her hair too.

Father Bryce will be revealed to be a pervert or otherwise mentally unstable
The series is already poised to both skewer Catholic schools such as Incarnate Lord, and the Pedophile Priest trope is sadly one that happens all too often.
  • Jossed. He is revealed to be gay, but not a pervert, nor mentally unstable. On the contrary, he proves to be quite brave before dying horribly during an attempted exorcism.

Sister Ruth will become Chucky's willing servant
She's already a little manic in her devotion to Father Bryce and her faith (she claimed to see Jesus in both Chucky and a Taco). When she sees him moving on his own she'll think it's the second coming and that his murders are divine judgment. Not only will she work for him, but she'll worship him as a god (something Chucky is sure to love).
  • Confirmed. She allows Chucky and Dr Mixter to escape by holding Lexy hostage with a gun, before being killed by Glenda. She definitely died still believing Chucky was Jesus.

Don Mancini will make a cameo at some point
Maybe Tiffany will track him down and convince him to make another Child's Play movie so she can start making money again.

Mark Hamill will make a cameo at some point
...and just be killed rather unceremoniously by Chucky as a (friendly) Take That! to the 2019 film.

At least one Chucky will declare himself bisexual and/or genda flooid
The Nica version has experienced life as a woman and sex with men in Nica's body, and the appeal of forevermore being a bisexual icon will override any hang-ups he has about it.

Chris Sarandon as Mike Norris will make an appearance
After all, he's one of the only survivors of the first film who hasn't been referenced in the modern era.
  • He is mentioned by Andy Barclay during his phone call with his mother at the end of Curse of Chucky, and the dialogue strongly implies Karen and Mike are a couple now.

Trevor will find out about Jake and Devon
He could try to separate them or expose them to Father Bryce because of his newfound Catholic faith, or he could be queer himself and try to get between them.
  • Jossed. Trevor dies without ever finding out, as his attention was solely dedicated to getting revenge on Lexy.

Blood will pour from a religious image at some point
Somebody (probably Sister Ruth) will think it's a miracle, but really it's just Chucky.
  • Confirmed partially Nadine gets defenestrated and lands on a statue of the Virgin Mary and it gets splattered in blood. Nobody is around to consider it a miracle though.

Someone will eat part of Chucky
It would just be a huge wasted opportunity to not have a transubstantiation joke in a season taking place at a Catholic school. It could be a way Chucky finds to make new vessels - or he'll just do it because it's fucked up.
  • Jossed, but the Colonel does seem to have eaten or at the very least butchered other Chuckies off-screen.

The Voodoo elements will be retconned at some point
One thing Don Mancini has always felt weird about in the franchise is the Voodoo spell that set everything in motion but sticks with it because it's part of the canon. At some point though, somebody will dig far enough into Chucky's powers and discover that he isn't powered by Voodoo but some other force, and that the "Damballa" he communes with (who in real Voodoo practices is said to be so good and kind that his mere presence brings peace) is actually an Eldritch Abomination who either masqueraded as Damballa or was mistaken for him by outsiders to the religion.

     Season 2 
Glen will team up with Andy and the children to stop Chucky
Well, since they are the only ones out of the family who don’t kill people and are a nice person. Since it is theorized by fans, it is likely that once they meet Andy, they will team up with him to stop Chucky.
  • Jossed. Glenda is present during the exorcism but Glen isn´t. However, they could still face off in the season finale.

Father Bryce will have a Heel Realization that Chucky is alive
  • Confirmed. Doesn´t end well for him.

Glenda may care for Glen
  • Confirmed. In episode 4 they are shown to be largely friendly to one another. Although Glenda is definitely still the more aggressive of the two they seem to get along fine and even claim to be dating the same guy.

Glenda will pull off a Heel–Face Turn
  • Confirmed. Glenda helps during the exorcism and kills Sister Ruth saving Lexy and potentially everyone's life. It should be pointed out however that this isn´t quite a Heel Face Turn since she was not on Chucky's side, nor openly antagonistic towards the main characters.

Kyle will turn out to be alive in the end
Well, given that the Season 1 finale has shown her glove left on a tree, it could’ve had a hint that Kyle may have survived somehow.
  • Confirmed. Kyle appears at the end of episode 4 and helps rescue Nica from Tiffany with Glen and Glenda's help. Later she helps during Chucky's exorcism.

Kyle will figure out Chucky's plan and/or Andy's whereabouts thanks to the part of Chucky in Nica's body.
  • Jossed. Kyle and Andy do find each other again, however.

We will find out that Kyle contacted Glen and Glenda and told them the whole Nica story, hence why they knew about her to begin with
  • Jossed. It doesn´t seem like Kyle had any previous contact with Glen and Glenda.

Nica will get prosthetic legs as well as arms and will join Andy and Kyle in their Chucky destroying quest.
  • Partially confirmed, episode 4 has her get a set of arms. She does help during Chucky's exorcism but is mostly fixated on getting revenge on Tiffany.

Kyle or Andy or even Glen and Glenda will somehow transfer Nica's soul to a new body, leaving Chucky trapped in the limbless Nica body.
  • Jossed as of the penultimate episode, since Chucky no longer inhabits Nica's body.
  • Alternatively it is Tiffany who ends up in Nica's body

Glen and Glenda will be combined into one single body thus solving their feeling of incompleteness (they used to be one individual after all) and the remaining body will be occupied by Nica so she can have a shot at a normal life again.

Andy and Nica will become romantically attracted to each other, bonding over their hatred for Chucky and their status as loners.
  • Jossed as of the penultimate episode; Andy and Nica do meet but they don´t seem to have a romantic attraction to each other.

Good Chucky will survive Buff Chucky and play an important role in the next episodes.
  • Partially confirmed. He does survive Buff Chucky and even beats him in a fight. He does play an important role later on but he can hardly be called Good Chucky anymore after the defenestration of Nadine.

The fanatical nun who saw Jesus in Chucky's face (and a taco) will kill people in the name of the Lord (Chucky).
  • Partially confirmed. She does do Chucky's bidding thinking he is Jesus, but she doesn´t kill anyone (although she is ready to).

Buff Chucky is the Colonel.
  • Jossed. The Colonel turns out to be the Bald Chucky.

The original Chucky head survived the explosion and is the Colonel.
  • Jossed. The Colonel turns out to be the Bald Chucky and the original Chucky head appears to be dead.

We will see more different Chuckies other than Bald Chucky, Good Chucky, and Buff Chucky.
  • Sort of confirmed, if you count Devon Sawa Chucky...

Buff Chucky will kill Father Bryce.
  • Jossed. Father Bryce explodes after being briefly possessed by Chucky (not Buff Chucky tho).

We will find out more about Charles Lee Ray's stay in the school and whatever we find will be important in the fight against the Chuckies.
  • Jossed. The only things we find out are that Dr. Mixter used to be his therapist, that she seemingly had a hand in turning him into the psycho he is, and that he hid a knife in the chapel of the school that is eventually used by Glenda to kill Sister Ruth. But we don´t learn much about his school days.

There will be a chimeric Chucky at some point with two heads or different Chucky body parts.
  • Jossed. Although the Colonel certainly wears a necklace of severed Chucky ears and he keeps dead Chuckies and Chucky body parts in his hideout.

Father Bryce will lose a hand and get a Chucky hand instead that will force him to kill against his will, in a very on-the-nose Idle Hands reference. Alternatively, he will be killed by a disembodied Chucky hand
  • Jossed. Instead, he explodes.

Father Bryce is gay
This is all but confirmed in an interview Devon Sawa did with Dead Meat. The Reddit video can be watched here. The full interview is here
  • Confirmed fully by the penultimate episode.

Paul (Glen and Glenda's boyfriend) will appear and play a role in the series.

Chucky will kill someone with a crucifix or drowning them in holy water.
  • Jossed. Jake does try to drown HIM in holy water tho.

Jake and Devon will break up at the end.
  • Jossed, although their relationship seems on unsteady ground at all times.

Through regressive hypnosis, Kyle and/or Andy will figure out the history of Glen and Glenda.
  • Jossed.

Glen and Glenda will be instrumental in the defeat of Tiffany, and probably Chucky too.
  • Jossed. Chucky is far from defeated at the end of season 2.

Dr Mixter was the therapist or a teacher of Chuckys
  • Confirmed. Dr. Mixter was Charles Lee Ray's therapist who later became his friend.

Glen/Glenda, Tiffany, and Chucky will stay in their doll bodies by the end of the series
  • Partially confirmed. Chucky and Glen/Glenda are indeed back in the doll by the end of the series, but Tiffany isn´t.

Bald/Colonel Chucky is actually healing Andy
  • Jossed. He was eating Andy.

Good Chucky will survive Season 2
  • Jossed. Good Chucky reveals himself to be pretty evil still and he dies after making Father Bryce explode.

Devon will end up dying or get injured
  • Jossed. He survives season 2 intact (at least physically).

Glen will be saved by transferring their soul into the Glen/Glenda doll, leaving Glenda as the only human child of Chucky and Tiffany
  • Jossed. Both Glen and Glenda are transfered into the doll, leaving their human bodies behind.

Alternatively, both Glen and Glenda will go into the doll, thus reuniting once again as a single soul, and Nica will be transferred into Glenda's body and have a shot at a normal life
  • Partially confirmed. Both Glen and Glenda are transfered into the doll and are back as a single consciousness, named Gigi. Nica however is not transfered into any dolls.

Dr Mixter will be revealed to be Chucky prime
  • Confirmed. After transferring his soul from Nica to the doll, Chucky then leaps into Dr. Mixter's body (without her expecting it), allowing her to be killed in his place. He quickly goes back to another Good Guy doll, however.

Dr Mixter will be revealed as a Tiffany
  • Jossed. Dr Mixter was actually Chucky's host body but only for a brief time.

It will be revealed that the Chucky shot to death by Andy was actually Dr. Mixter in the doll, and that at some point Chucky transferred himself into Dr. Mixter's body at the last moment, thus enabling him to escape and abandon the therapist to die
  • Confirmed.

Nica will forgive Tiffany eventually
  • Jossed as of the end of season 2. Nica holds no grudge against Glen/Glenda (or Gigi), but she still is very much intent on getting revenge on Tiffany.

Tiffany will sacrifice herself to stop Chucky once and for all
  • Jossed. Tiffany is alive as of the end of season 2 but she does briefly (although weakly) stand up to Chucky when they meet again.

Chucky will kill a Santa Claus
  • Jossed.

A Santa Claus will appear in the last episode portrayed by Devon Sawa (and will likely die again)
  • Jossed.

Chucky will send deadly gifts to the main characters in the final episode of the season, and there will be at least one fatality
  • No gifts are sent, but there is a major fatality alright...

Chucky will be revealed to have backup bodies elsewhere, either dolls or human bodies, rendering the whole of season 2 a futile effort to rid the world of him
  • Confirmed. Chucky and Dr. Mixter kept a Good Guy doll in a safe at her place, AND he was posing as a Belle doll all the time as well.

Chucky will reveal an even greater scope plan than before to be explored next season
  • Jossed. There's no greater scope plan other than killing the protagonists (and punishing Gigi apparently).

Glen will make an appearance as a living doll (possibly voiced by his original actor)
  • Confirmed. Billy Boyd returns briefly to reprise his role, now under the name of Gigi (combined Glen and Glenda).

The doll Dr Mixter gave to Caroline will play an important role later on
  • Confirmed. It was Chucky all along.

The doll Dr Mixter gave Caroline will be a Tiffany, meaning the human Tiffany might die and this still won´t be the end of her
  • Jossed. The doll was actually Chucky in drag as a Belle doll all the time.

Tiffany will escape into Caroline's body while Caroline will be trapped in the Tiffany doll
  • Jossed.

Mayor Cross will finally die
  • Confirmed. Chucky uses a chainsaw to split her in two.

There will be a Christmas dinner and Chucky will make it so that the characters unknowingly eat one of his victims
  • Jossed.

Chucky will sing a twisted version of a Christmas carol at some point, or commit a murder while said music sounds in the background
  • Confirmed. He sings "Twelve Days of Christmas" but lists the different deaths throughout the season.

The last season episode will have a flashback to Charles Lee Ray's past
  • Confirmed. We get brief scenes of young Charles with Dr. Mixter, showing us their friendship goes back many years and that she was in awe of his "genius". It doesn´t prevent Chucky from abandoning her to her fate as soon as things get rough.

Tiffany will end up in Nica's mutilated body, thus finally paying the price for everything she's done to her.
Karma has to catch up to her sooner or later.

Dr. Mixter will be revealed as Chucky's first and thus far secret human host body
  • Jossed. She was just a very old friend.

It will be revealed that it was Dr. Mixter in the Chucky doll body that Andy shot in episode 7, and that Chucky switched with her just before their attempted escape; in other words, Dr. Mixter is dead and Chucky is in her body
  • Seems likely; the writers cleverly have Andy blast the doll's entire jaw, preventing us from hearing any clear vocalizations later as Andy shoots it to death. Still, if one listens closely, what little voice he retains does not sound like Chucky's and could easily be Dr. Mixter's.
  • Confirmed. That's exactly what happened.

Chucky will eventually be seen as a disembodied spirit
  • Jossed.

Tiffany will transfer her soul into the Belle doll Caroline has
Would make a lot of sense all things considered. I still think either that will happen, or she truly does switch places with Jennifer Tilly yet again.
  • This seems to be still on the table
    • Unless that doll was destroyed in the explosion in the first episode which does seem likely considering it was very much in the way.
      • Jossed. The doll was actually Chucky in drag.

The season will end on a cliffhanger, followed by an announcement of season 3
  • Confirmed. It ends with a cliffhanger as Chucky reveals himself to be the Belle doll Tiffany was trying to transfer her soul into, and attacking her.

Buff Chucky is the same Chucky that was mocked by the bald Chucky (later the Colonel) for having stick arms

Likewise, the Colonel likely went apeshit because everyone kept mocking him for being bald, thus proving that being mocked or bullied will affect Chucky tremendously and lead to his obsessing on compensating for whatever deficiency others point out. We have already seen Nica manipulate him like this in Curse of Chucky with the completion anxiety thing. This could be the key to defeating Chucky in the future

Dr. Mixter will be revealed as a maker of serial killers, actively seeking out children with sociopathic and psychopathic tendencies and "polishing" them into their most extreme expression, with Chucky of course being her favorite
  • All but confirmed except Chucky seems to be her main project.

Dr. Mixter will be revealed as a serial killer herself
  • Jossed. She is never revealed to have directly killed anyone but she definitely had a hand in encouraging Chucky to do so.

Dr. Mixter will be revealed as the one who first introduced Chucky to voodoo (hence her being familiar with Damballah)
  • Jossed.

Dr. Mixter was aware that Chucky was in the building when Chucky killed Junior's mom, and likely was involved in his plans since the very beginning
  • Confirmed. Chucky went to her to find vulnerable children to manipulate into committing murder back in season 1, and she gleefully suggested he should traumatize them to push them over the edge.

Andy was fed with Chucky flesh during the whole year he spent prisoner of the Colonel.
  • Think about it. Unless Dr Mixter regularly brought food for Andy, what else would have been available? The diet of half flesh half plastic will eventually either cause Andy chronic stomach aches or to become a host for Chucky.

Miss Delgado will feature prominently in a future season as one of Mixter's former patients

Tiffany will never cook anything but Swedish meatballs, ever

     Post-Season 2 

Tiffany will survive being killed by Chucky
She'll just escape from the building somehow thus playing a part in a potential season 3.
  • Confirmed. Tiffany escapes by sheer luck as Nica calls the cops on her and they arrive just when Chucky is about to stab her.

Caroline will commit a murder
It may or may not be Lexi or even Chucky himself.

Caroline will snap out of her manipulation
I am hoping for this.

Chucky destroyed evidence of Michelle giving birth to Caroline
Chucky would be smart enough to get rid of any evidence he could find around the Cross house that contradicted his story in order to make it harder for anyone to prove to Caroline that he was lying. The protagonists may find digital records somewhere, like at the hospital where she was born, unless Chucky beats them to it and deletes it.
  • Alternatively, they only need to prove to Caroline that Chucky lied about who he is and Caroline is smart enough to piece together that he lied about everything else.

Possible Characters
With the next season of Chucky coming in the fall, there are possibilities of what kind of new characters will appear in the third season.

  • A Criminal Detective
    • Sort of confirmed. A corrupt CIA agent blackmails the first lady.

Possible Allies
There are possibilities of what new allies that can help stop Chucky.

Possible Villains
Since The first season and second season have introduced villains, there are possibilities of there being new villains in the new season.

  • A monster who has the powers of hearing.
  • A person who has the minds of a robot.

Tiffany will end up escaping from prison by turning into a doll
How else will she get out of there besides killing armed police and guards?
  • It would appear her plan involves killing the guards via voodoo dolls. She might walk out of there in human form after all.

Tyler saves Andy from Chucky in season 3
Would be a cool idea, honestly.

     Season 3 

Chucky is going to possess the President
Either by corrupting Henry or finishing the process with Caroline, Chucky will fuel a new soul-splitting spell and use it to possess James, so he can act as a President Evil.
  • Jossed. Chucky kills the president in the second half of the season without ever thinking of possessing him. However, now he has access to very delicate information...

Chucky is going to finally be exposed via the reporter
The reporter I feel will want to dig deeper into The White House. She may hear or see Chucky moving, so why not record and expose this? So many people have been wanting this plot to be explored, and but knowing how Chucky works she'd likely get killed off.
  • Jossed. The reporter is killed gruesomely in the fourth episode without ever noticing Chucky.

Chucky will be exposed to the world at large, leading to a They Would Cut You Up scenario
Undeniable proof will come out about Chucky’s antics and season 4 may involve a full-on doll hunt. Alternately, someone will get hold of him and attempt to uncover the secrets to his longevity, which Chucky would, of course, escape and exact bloody vengeance on.

Tiffany will go back into a doll
Easy way for her to escape her sentence.
  • As of now she seems poised to escape in human form by using voodoo to control a guard.
  • Confirmed in the last episode.

Chucky will have access to nuclear codes
Worst case scenario
  • Confirmed. In the fifth episode, Chucky kills the president and steals the codes.

The President will end up in a doll
Chucky might swap bodies with him which would result in Devon Sawa's voice coming from the doll.
  • Unlikely now that the President has been disposed of.

Grant will die
Probably sacrificing himself for someone else.

There is more than one Chucky
The Chucky at the White House is not the same we saw at Tiffany's at the end of season 2

Andy will show up again
And probably also Nica.
  • Confirmed, Nica reappears, testifies against Tiffany, and gloats at her impending death sentence.

The ghosts of the White House will be confirmed to be real
In a show about a Supernaturally possessed doll, may as well.
  • Confirmed. Teddy, Joseph, and others have manifested themselves as ghosts. Joseph even tries to warn his father about Chucky.

The president might board the Air Force One and escape just in time to avoid an explosion
In reference to Final Destination of course.
  • Jossed. He is dead.

Chucky might lose a hand or arm which will later go on a killing spree of its own
In reference to Idle Hands

Caroline will die

Henry will be killed by Chucky
But if he does, maybe Grant won't.

Lexy will end up falling for Grant for real when he shows there's more to him than the self-absorbed Tiktoker
And then he will die.

Chucky will be revealed to have killed the original Joseph (Henry's brother) specifically so he could replace him and get into the white house
Will be revealed in a flashback.
  • Chucky did set an age limit of "nobody under the age of five or six" for his clone army's killing spree and Joseph was five when he died.
    • True but he's never been one to play with the rules, and he has been known to have changes of heart at the last moment.
  • It appears Joseph died of cancer.

More of Chucky's backstory will be revealed
We might see more of teenage Chucky.
  • Confirmed in an unexpected way. The creator of the Good Guy doll is revealed, and he is of course a nutcase.

Gigi might return or be heard from
  • Gigi is mentioned in the seventh episode, as Nica relays a message from them to Tiffany at her execution.

One of the main kids will die- likely Devon
Leaving Jake angrier and more determined than ever.
  • Jossed.

The President will die gruesomely on international TV
  • Jossed. He dies in Joseph's room, by Chucky's hand, with no witnesses other than Joseph's ghost.

Chucky will reveal himself to the world at large
Unlikely but who knows? Of course, it might be no one will believe it.
  • Almost happens when Chucky gets to the nukes, but he is stopped in time and the only people to witness it are either dead or about to be (other than the protagonists).

Chucky will take over the world for a while
He might go with President Collins, either as Joseph or possessing the President, to a world leaders' summit and do some ritual to transfer himself into all of their bodies resulting in a world controlled by Chucky. Alternatively, he might just murder them all.
  • Jossed. He comes very close to nuking the world but is stopped in time.

Caroline's first victim
As shown in "Jennifer's Body" Caroline has declined offers to commit any murders herself, preferring to watch Chucky do it. But she will eventutally kill someone.
  • Caroline may want her first kill to be her supposed fake sister Lexy and is just waiting for her to show up.
  • It will be Ms. Sherman, that teacher she doesn't like.
  • Ironically, it ends up being Chucky himself.

Chucky will not die
A given since Don Mancini has talked about future seasons. Chucky will find a way to revert the curse and regain Damballa's favor before it's too late.
  • Now that Chucky has access to nuclear codes, if Damballa doesn´t think the eradication of mankind at large is enough of a sacrifice, he is one difficult god indeed. That being said... it would make sense for Damballa to be against this plan, considering he would have no worshippers left.
  • Damballa appears in the seventh episode and tells Chucky numbers aren´t important, that he expects passion and originality. He is still not very happy about Chucky cheating on him with other gods, but he gives him a last chance to prove himself.

Damballa wants Chucky to kill the president
Considering Chucky initially seemed ready to kill the president, Damballa may not have considered the thirteen sacrifices enough and will push Chucky to go for the biggest trophy before forgiving him again.
  • The president is dead now, but it didn´t have any immediate effect.
    • Damballa tells Chucky that killing the president did take audacity, which prompts him to give him one last chance to regain his favor. However, interestingly, Chucky seems to be rather unimportant to Damballa; he had no idea Chucky was working so hard to appease him, and in fact, hadn´t paid him any attention since he became contaminated with Catholicism. He even has to search Chucky's file on his laptop to get the details on him.

Damballa wants Chucky to kill Tiffany
Previews for the future episodes show that Tiffany and Chucky reconnect, and Tiffany seems sympathetic to his plight, meaning they may actually reconcile. Damballa might make it known that Chucky is to sacrifice Tiffany, the only person he seemingly cares about to some level, just when their relationship seemed to be on the mend. If so...
  • Jossed. Damballa doesn´t really care much about Chucky one way or the other. Chucky and Tiffany do reconcile.

Chucky will kill Tiffany
Chucky might kill Tiffany as a sacrifice to Damballa which might or might not work.


Chucky will be unable to kill Tiffany
Chucky will be unable to kill Tiffany and will kill himself instead. This act of mercy (?) will free his soul from the killer doll loop explaining why a smiling Brad Douriff appears in the preview for the future episodes.


Chucky's ghost might be released from the doll and cause mayhem in that new state
A new flavor of Chucky could be unleashed with Charles Lee Ray's disembodied spirit haunting the white house and possessing people/frightening everyone/killing without the doll's body.
  • Confirmed; in the 6th episode he dies and becomes a ghost and in the 7th episode he is unleashed by Damballa to continue killing without a body this time.

Damballa wants Chucky to kill Caroline
Chucky appeared to show hesitation when attempting to possess Caroline. He may care about her more than he cares about Tiffany.

Charles Lee Ray's ghost will interact with Joseph's ghost, or with the ghosts of dead presidents
Might as well. Can ghosts kill each other? Will we see Chucky as a ghost going ax crazy on Lincoln, Nixon, and the rest?
  • The first person Chucky sees as a disembodied spirit is no less than Abraham Lincoln.

Chucky's doll body will die but his ghost will escape leaving the final episode as a cliffhanger and Chucky as a very real ghostly presence that might occupý a new doll body at some point
Kinda like Voldemort, he might be gone but not completely gone and return at some point in a human or doll body.
  • Confirmed. Chucky spends the two last episodes of the season in ghost form apparently, and he has to kill people in that state to regain Damballa's favor.
  • Jossed for the final episode though- Chucky returns to doll form by the end and so does Tiffany.

Chucky will escape death by jumping into someone's body at the last moment
Might be anyone from Caroline or Henry to Jake, Devon, Lexy, Grant, or the president himself.
  • Confirmed. Chucky possesses Jake's body as a stepping-stone before returning to a doll's body.

There will be a secret Good Guy or Belle doll
It is extremely unlikely that the Good Guy dolls or Belle dolls are completely gone or extinct so to speak; somewhere somehow there must be more so that Chucky and Tiffany can return to their beloved/dreaded doll forms.
  • The trailer for the season finale seems to suggest that the creator of the Good Guy dolls is alive and still has some in his possession. He even says he makes them- present time. There are definitely more doll bodies for Chucky and possibly Tiffany in the future.
    • Confirmed. The creator of the Good Guy doll also happens to be the creator of the Wedding Belle, and he held on to both prototypes.

Chucky and Tiffany will join forces in the most gloriously gory and over the top massacre in the entire series
Might as well. If they do they might become infamous enough that the Good Guy and Belle dolls might be re-launched by their respective makers thus bringing more potential host bodies to Chucky and Tiffany's spirits.

Gigi will show up before the final of the season and help in the massacre
  • Jossed. Chucky and Tiffany seem poised to go find them though.

Since Gigi is in Europe (England?) they might send doll bodies still available there to their parents

Chucky and Tiffany will travel to England and terrorize Buckingham palace in the next season
Along with Gigi.

Pryce will be horribly killed by Chucky
Almost a given.
  • Surprisingly jossed. He burns to death in the White House by his own doing.

Tiffany will bring us some of the series' most over the top deaths with the guards of the prison and voodoo dolls, so much that audiences will declare her scarier than Chucky himself
  • Jossed. Although the guards die, it isn´t by her hand, and her escape, although entertaining, is not particularly over the top with violence.

There will be a redesign of the dolls
If there truly aren't any more Good Guy and Belle dolls, Chucky and Tiffany might return with a complete redesign thus bringing fresh faces to the series. It is a risk but....

Caroline is acting as an avatar of Damballa
She’s been surprisingly hands-off so far, yet possibly even more knowledgeable regarding the magical specifics of Chucky’s predicament than even he is. Loa in the Voudon tradition generally manifests through ‘riding’ a human host for a time. Given how Chucky is on the outs with Dambala, it makes sense that they would be keeping a very close eye on him.
  • Jossed. She seems to just be messed up in the head.

The ‘six’ sacrifices have to be specific people, not just randos
Thirteen victims of opportunity were clearly not good enough, meaning something else was required. Perhaps a more personal component such as the people on Chucky’s kill list (Jake/Devon/Lexi, Andy, Kyle, and Nica), all people who’ve escaped his clutches.
  • Tiffany is also on the list, but clearly, she’s still in Dambala’s good graces seeing as she’s still able to summon the magic freely.
    • Jossed. Damballa appears in the 7th episode and reveals that he actually wasn´t paying attention to Chucky's sacrifices because he had previously cheated on him with other gods (Catholicism). He then tells Chucky that it's not even about the number of victims, but about passion and originality.

Andy cursed Chucky
Andy found out Chucky was still alive and found some sort of practitioner to curse Chucky to lock him in the body and kill it. That's why he dreamed about Andy right before the curse set in. The doctor just misdiagnosed Chucky.

The Voodoo Doctor will play another part in the second half
Jake and Devon visit the Voodoo Doctor to get more information basically was my theory. Perhaps he purposely left out details or important key information when he spoke with Chucky.
  • Confirmed. The doctor reveals that Chucky is dying because of the botched exorcism and reveals more about what happens when and if he dies in his current state (basically, the same thing that happens to any normal human- he crosses over to the world of spirits).

Tiffany will somehow use voodoo spells and chants to erase people's minds or memories.
Outside of escaping, perhaps there's a voodoo spell that mind wipes and erases people's memories. This is far out there, I know.
  • Might be tho, if Chucky, believing this to be his swan's song, reveals himself to the world before attempting to nuke it. It would work as a reset button, and make everyone forget about Chucky, at least for a while.

Season 3 and the overall show ends with Chucky detonating the nukes.
Worst-case scenario, Chucky activates several nuclear launches and dies for good, but not before taking everyone with him. It would also net him the largest kill count in slasher horror history ergo calling back to season 1 with his desire to become the most infamous serial killer in history. While that would be the end of the current incarnation of the franchise, it would pave the way for a reboot.
  • Seemingly jossed. He did his best but was stopped and only nuked Santa Claus.

Chucky will die, and it will be irreversible.
Perhaps Jake and the others manage to separate Chucky from his body and call upon the powers of Damballa to completely shred Chucky's ghost to pieces. Since Damballa is a god, he would have the power to decimate Chucky's soul to nonexistence.
  • Possibly jossed. According to Timothy, the psychic, the only way a spirit can be destroyed is by its own choice- to self-terminate.
  • Chucky survives.

The Chucky spirits will represent the Seven Deadly Sins.
Had to put a seven deadly sins WMG in here somewhere. If not all seven of them, maybe just some of them will be represented by Chucky and then Tiffany.

Chucky hallucinates achieving the ultimate victory.
It would first seem that Chucky successfully deploys the missiles and wins... only to turn out that Chucky had been fatally wounded and the last moments of the episode would be his Dying Dream as he dies for good.
  • Jossed. Chucky does deploy one missile. He does get fatally shot tho.

Chucky's spirit will possess the presidents double
  • Jossed. The double dies.

The presidents double will be dead before the season ends
We all know it.
  • Confirmed. Chucky drowns him and a CIA agent in the elevator. With blood.

Chucky's ghost will yell profanity at the ghost of a dead president

Chucky will be back in doll form before the end of the season
Seems likely if the trailer for the finale is anything to go by.
  • Confirmed. He goes back to doll form and escapes with Tiffany effectively triumphing once more at the end.

Chucky's ghost will cause Mr. price to kill himself in some gruesome manner
  • Jossed. It is Grant who locks Pryce in a room while the White House burns after Pryce tries to do the same to him.

Chucky will be revealed as the killer of Joseph and having orchestrated the whole thing from the start
Jossed. It seems Joseph died of cancer.

Joseph's ghost will play a part in defeating Chucky
  • Jossed. He tries to warn his father about Chucky, but in vain, and both are powerless to stop Chucky from returning.

The supernatural expert will reveal more about how the world of spirits works
Confirmed. We now know that souls are eternal unless they "self-terminate", and that the only way to go to the spirit world is by dying. We also realize ghosts can have power even in their bodiless state.

Chucky will possess Jake and Devon will spend the next season trying to free him
  • Jossed. He does possess Jake briefly but then quickly finds a way to go back to a doll body.

Chucky will possess Grant and Lexy will spend next season trying to free him.
  • Jossed.

Chucky has already hidden part of his soul in another vessel
  • Jossed. He was dead for real, but he of course found a way to return.

Chucky and Tiffany will meet again before the season is over
  • Confirmed. The season ends with both of them escaping together in doll form.

Chucky will try to get back into a doll form but he will try to get Gigi's body which is the last appropriate vessel for his soul due to their kinship and this will take him to England next season.
  • Jossed. He goes back to the prototype of the Good Guy doll, kept by the doll's creator.

Chucky's young form will reappear
Confirmed by the trailer of the season finale.
  • Both his teenage and child forms appear in the spirit realm.

Chucky will kill at least one major character before the season ends- either Devon or Grant.
Jossed. Both Devon and Jake are alive by the end of the season.... but perhaps they would've rather died.

Tiffany will have saved a doll.body out of sentimental reasons
Jossed. There WAS one last Wedding Belle doll, the prototype, but it was the dolls' creator, Mr. Wilkins, who had kept it, not Tiffany.

Damballa will eventually appear.
Confirmed. He appears in episode 7, in the form of a Chucky doll with glasses. Charles Lee Ray does comment that he expected to see "a snake or something".

Chucky will be even more dangerous in ghost form
Confirmed. Jake's father in the spirit realm warns him that Chucky is, in fact, more dangerous there. Proven when Chucky distracts Jake enough to take over his body.

Chucky will go to space.

     Post-Season 3 

Chucky and Tiffany will go to London to find Gigi
Since both seem to miss Gigi and want to play family again, they might travel there to find Gigi (assuming Gigi did go to England as they intended)

Gigi won´t be happy about seeing them again
Gigi will be revealed to be doing fine by themselves and won´t be thrilled about having to deal with their murderous parents again.

Mr. Wilkins will transfer Jake, Devon and Lexy to new doll bodies more reminiscent of the Good Guy/Wedding Belle ones
Right now, they don´t seem particularly mobile, but if they are to continue being active players, they need to either return to their physical bodies (which we don´t know what happened to) or move to better vessels)

Nica will end up in a doll
It might work to Nica's advantage to actually end up in a doll body with hands and legs and get rid of the wheelchair, enabling her to continue her quest for revenge.

Jake, Devon and Lexy, along with Nica, will all continue hunting Chucky this time all in doll form
Bringing new doll blood to the franchise and having access to Chucky's own abilities/tricks.

We might see more dolls come to life courtesy of Mr. Wilkins
He has plenty of material...

Andy and Kyle will appear once more in the fourth season
They were sorely missed...

Devon Sawa will die, likely more than once
At this point, it's not even wild guessing. He might even break his record for most deaths in one single season.

It will be up to Grant to rescue his friends
He will try to find Lexy and eventually find out what happened.

Mr. Wilkins will play a major part next season
Seems a given considering how important his role is to the overall franchise

Mr. Wilkins is being mind-controlled by a voodoo spell
I wouldn't mind this twist. It's super possible Caroline put some voodoo spell on him to make him that way. I maybe super wrong.

Caroline will kill Lexy
Assuming Lexy is turned back into a human, Caroline will later trick Lexy into letting her guard down and kill her as she goes in for a hug.

Jake, Devon or Lexy will kill Caroline
Either by accident or because they're left with no other choice.

Chucky will go to space
Could still happen.

Mr. Wilkins himself will turn into a creepy doll
As a way to escape death and be with "his children"

Chucky and Nica are eternal entities that have been formerly known also by the names of Peter Pan and Captain Hook
Chucky has already been revealed as a Peter Pan fan (at least during his youth), and there are some obvious parallels between the two characters; both refuse to get old and die and thus remain stuck on a child-like body that doesn´t grow. Both are largely if not exclusively concerned with having fun and playing games that involve a lot of stabbing and killing. Both will kill their own followers as well as their enemies. Both have a cohort of groupies. And both have an inability to truly, genuinely love others even though both have female admirers who delude themselves into loving them. Both also have a knack for kidnapping children and luring them with the promise of playing games and having fun.Meanwhile, Nica is an adult whose life was ruined by Chucky, and whose body was mutilated (not by Chucky, but ultimately due to Chucky's involvement in his life). Nica is bitter, resentful, and determined to destroy Chucky and Tiffany. She even has hooks instead of hands at the moment.Peter Pan/Chucky and Hook/Nica could be eternal entities (as souls are eternal according to the show) that reappear in different times and places, with different names and appearances, but always being the same at their core, and they're destined to do this forever.

Another deal will be made with Damballa
This time to get Caroline taken off his list of followers.

GG will be the one to tell Caroline the truth
They would know that Tiffany didn't have any other children after them that would be around Caroline's age.

Nica will somehow end up in Jennifer Tilly's body, now that it has been vacated by Tiffany
This will allow Nica to once more have an able body allowing her to become a much more dangerous adversary for Chucky and Tiffany, especially since it will likely mess up Tiffany a lot to have Nica in her previous body chasing after her.

Chucky's Hive Mind will go on a killing spree in Jake, Devon, and Lexy's bodies.

More allies from the past will appear.
Not just Tyler, but Jesse and Jade as well. Bonus points if the reason why Andy and Kyle were absent is because they were busy tracking them down.
