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WMG / Catscratch

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Catscratch is basically the world of Doug Tennapel's Gear infected by a Jyarei Monster. and the monster's identity may be Hovis, Human Kimberly or even Katilda
  • Which would explain the drastic universe change. Somehow the novel world of Gear slipped under the Eto Rangers' radar.

The Cats are the reincarnated forms of Ed, Edd n' Eddy.
  • Permit me, if you will, to explain: Following the events of the finale movie, the Eds got into a horrible accident several years after and were killed as a result. Desiring a better life, they were reborn as 3 cats:
  • Double D as Gordon
  • Ed as Waffle
  • and Eddy as Mr. Blik (naturally)
Eddy was overjoyed to learn that they'd been left a very large fortune by their deceased owner, and switched from a love of jawbreakers (they were probably involved in their accident) to root beer. They were given 2 guardian angels in the form of their butler Hovis and Human Kimberly. Ed's love for monster movies was diminished, along with his idiocy, and Double D became less intelligent, though he surprisingly seemed to be happier that way. Eddy wasn't changed very much, though, but he was happy being brothers with his best friends.
