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WMG / Blasphemous II

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There will be a New Game Plus added in the future
As with the first game, there will be a New Game Plus feature and a Penance to take before going in. There will also be new questlines to do that can only be done during this mode.
  • Bosses will be even tougher in this mode.
  • More execution animations for each enemy and weapon will be included

Eviterno was the one responsible for the creation of the Twisted One
Since he was a loyal follower of the High Will and the Miracle, he found a young man needing help. He does so, but still gaslights the young man into begging for their forgiveness, cursing him into the Twisted One.

When the Miracle returned, it resurrected famous penitents from the past — including Crisanta

The Miracle's plan was to enslave Crisanta once again, but she resisted and was hunted by Eviterno. She stabs herself in the beginning of the game partly because she knows she had lost the battle, and partly as an act of defiance against the Miracle.

If there is ever a Blasphemous III, we won't be playing as the Penitent One

This one seems kind of obvious, given that Ending A has him Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence after suffering a Heroic Red Ring of Death, any may think to yourself that the ending is so final that there's no way they could continue the story. And yet, in this ending, there's a very brief Stinger of one of Crisanta's wrappings flying through a mountainous region not found in the game. Whether this is just a teaser for future DLC for II or a third ending or whatnot, it still means The Game Kitchen has something else in store, and unless this hypothetical new game is a prequel it will probably have to have a new protagonist. An obvious candidate would be a different Penitent from a different order (maybe a woman this time?), but they may even abandon the whole Featureless Protagonist thing entirely. In any case, Cvstodia is a bleak enough setting that it seems far-fetched that they would resurrect the Penitent One after giving him such a happy and definitive conclusion.

A future game will take place during an analog for The Spanish Civil War
Perhaps the Fascists will plot to bring back the High Wills/The Miracle to control the masses. It wlcould open up so much variety to enemies, levels, and combat options to jump that far in time. It may also be a spiritual successor of sorts to Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin which combined World War II with fantasy.

Eviterno is the Original Man of the Blasphemous universe
He certainly sounds like he could be old enough to be the father of humanity.
