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Video Game / Suzuki Bakuhatsu

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Suzuki Bakuhatsu or 鈴木爆発 in Japanese (literally translated as Suzuki Explosion in English) is an obscure Bomb Disposal puzzle game from Enix, which was released on 6th July 2000 for PlayStation.

The game is about the titular protagonist Suzuki, a Japanese woman who keeps finding bombs hidden in everyday objects as she goes about her day. Oranges, car engines, pinball machines, jukeboxes, molecules of ice, and even the ocean are just some of the many things that Suzuki has to disassemble in order to defuse the bomb contained within them.

The bombs start out simple but become more complex as the game goes on, many even containing traps that will make them detonate instantly. After the third stage you're given a choice between two different paths (each with their own bomb), and the stages continue to branch of from there. Between each level you get cutscenes showing Suzuki continuing to go about her day, presented through slideshows of live-action photographs. At the end of each cutscene, she encounters her next bomb and the defusing process begins again.

The game is notable not only for its unique premise but also for being pretty unforgiving even on the easiest difficulty.

The game provides examples of:

  • Bomb Disposal: The main premise of this game. There are various types of objects that have bombs inside.
  • It's a Wonderful Failure: Fail to disposing the bomb will have a special scene where Suzuki dies offscreen in a massive explosion. Each object has an unique explosion scene, and some of them are darkly hilarious because of how ridiculous the explosions are.
  • Magic Tool: Suzuki's screwdriver is always the perfect size to unscrew any screw, even if the screw in question is smaller than a molecule or as big as the moon. This goes for her other tools as well.
  • Mind Screw: It appears that there are some supernatural events that lead her to the bomb-implanted objects (such as getting teleported into a White Void Room with a pinball machine inside, for no reason, etc.).
  • Ridiculously Potent Explosive: There are some hilarious instances:
    • The orange-sized bomb can destroy the whole part of Eastern Japan.
    • In the iced coffee stage, a microscopic bomb is able to explode as large as a handheld bomb, and killing a human in an instant.
    • The car engine bomb is able to destroy the Earth completely.
    • A microscopic bomb inside a piece of rice in the bento box is able to destroy a hospital building.
    • A submarine bomb is able to evaporate the entire ocean.
  • Unexpected Gameplay Change:
    • In a game full of bomb disposal puzzles, one level randomly has Suzuki pilot a Humongous Mecha in order to defeat another Humongous Mecha (named "Gundar") at rock-paper-scissors.
    • The ocean stage, while still ultimately being about disarming a bomb, largely plays like a first-person dungeon crawler where you shoot torpedoes at submarines.
