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Video Game / Silence of the Sleep

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Silence of the Sleep is a 2014 Survival Horror Point-and-Click Game, developed by Jesse Makkonen. It begins with the protagonist, Jacob Reeves, jumping off the cliff to commit suicide … no, it begins, with you, the player, pushing the button to fall backwards after Jacob has made up his mind.

That fall wasn’t the end of him, however, and it seems as if he’s not allowed to die by his own hand. However, there are now plenty of demons around, who are more than willing to finish the job. Since Jacob lost the memories of his past after the fall, he no longer remembers what caused him to jump, and he’s adamant to live, at least until he discovers the truth of the matter.

The game can be gotten here.

The game provides examples of the following tropes:

  • Always Night: Averted in Chapter 3. However, the constant fog outside makes it appear as if it is always night time. You are specifically told this as well as the fact that the rain occasionally knocks out the lights.
  • Amnesiac Hero: Jacob Reeves loses his memories after his suicide attempt.
  • An Arm and a Leg: After chapter 1, Jacob angers the Bartender by doubting whether or not he really exists. The Bartender takes control of Jacob and makes him chop off his own hand before rewinding time.
  • And the Adventure Continues: The story ends with Jacob getting a vision from Lisa, who says she was murdered and that Jacob's car crash was not what killed her. She tells him how to find the evidence for it. Then he suddenly jolts out of a coma in the same hospital room as the unconscious murderer...
  • Bedlam House: Wonderfully averted. The staff at the mental facility take great care to help their patients and the building has a great many amenities to help with the healing process. Of course this is a horror game, so the place has some dark secrets as in, it isn't real. It is located in a Dream Land or a sort of purgatory or limbo.
  • Blackout Basement: There are a few areas in the game that are practically pitch-black, with only your flashlight able to penetrate the darkness.
  • Color-Coded Characters: Every character is drawn in a single primary colour, plus a small highlight of different color, like a tie. This is in contrast to the richly detailed areas you explore, even if most of them are severely dilapidated.
  • Darkness Equals Death: Inverted in a late game section. When lightning strikes and lights up the area, you have to stand perfectly still so you're not caught and killed; when it's dark, you can't be seen, so you're free to move.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": The cleaning lady in Clifford's mental facility is only ever called cleaning lady. Even the nurse, Jenni, has her own name.
  • Gentle Giant: Lorenzo, one of the patients at Clifford's mental facility. He's polite, speaks in the third person and dearly loves his white bunny called 'Mrs. Chanelle'.
  • House Fire: It's revealed that the initial source of Jacob's torment is the death of his son, who perished on his birthday when one of the candles they lit for him fell down and set fire to the house.
  • Humanoid Abomination: The monsters seem to made of shadows and look vaguely human. The first monster you encounter screeches like a bird and has a beak embedded in its chest. The second monster has many human heads on slug-like stalks and has an appendage shaped like a scythe.
  • Infinite Flashlight: Jacob has a flashlight that can stay on throughout the entire game with no problems like the battery running out. Sometimes it's the only light source to see by.
  • Moon Logic Puzzle: Zig-zagged. Mostly you have logical puzzles like matching the rotating segments of a skeleton key to a painting of a city skyline (the arrangement of buildings and their reflections is identical to the required arrangement of grooves on a key). Some puzzles still require rather illogical thinking, though.
  • Non-Action Guy: When the monsters are twice your size and made up of intangible shadows, you really have no other choice than to run away or hide.
  • Ominous Fog: The mental facility is located high up and is constantly covered in rain and fog, making it impossible to leave or even see much of the outside through the windows.
  • One-Hit-Point Wonder: Jacob dies by a single touch from any of the game's enemies.
  • Press X to Not Die: There's a variation on the theme when you're hiding from one of the enemy types. Instead of pressing a button, you need to keep a cursor at the centre of the slider that appears in the corner of the screen for several seconds. If you succeed, the monster will fail to notice you and walk away. If you fail, the monster is rewarded with a good meal.
  • Sinister Scythe: The monster in the abandoned house has one of these as an appendage.
  • Spinning Clock Hands: This appear on the wall in certain areas. It's there to show that the world you are in isn't real.
  • Sprint Meter: It's invisible, but it's there. Jacob is capable of running, but he gets exhausted after a while and needs to rest for a long time to get up to regular speed again.
  • The Alcoholic: After losing his son to the fire, Jacob tried to find comfort in whiskey. On a particularly drunk night, he got behind the wheel and crashed straight into Gerald's car.
