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Video Game / Moria

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Moria is an early Rogue Like Video Game, based on J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium, that would later give rise to Angband and its many variants. It remains a separate game in its own right however. As the title suggests, the game takes place in the Mines of Moria from The Lord of the Rings and the ultimate goal is to descend to the deepest level of them and slay the Balrog. The main variant is UMoria and can be found at

Moria was credited as a main source of inspiration for Diablo by its lead designer, Dave Brevik.


  • Anti-Frustration Features: Either an old versions of Moria (or Amiga Moria 3.0) gave a "Grovel" command, which is an emergency exit should the player be stuck in a room with no exit.
  • Big Bad: The Balrog. Angband would up the ante on this by having Sauron, Morgoth and finally The One Ring (in some variants) as their ultimate enemies.
  • Do You Want to Haggle?: Standard back and forth between the player and shopkeeper. Haggling too slowly or giving prices well out of line can anger the shopkeeper and risk having you thrown out of the shop. If you haggle perfectly, it will become easier to do so, with later versions of UMoria simply jumping to the exact price.
  • Healing Boss: Some of the titular Moria's monsters can drain mana from spellcasting player, which also doubles as the healing spell in the game. The Final Boss has this spell among its abilities.
  • Infinity +1 Sword: In the Commodore Amiga version, weapons of "Godly Might" were far and away the best in the game as there were no artifact weapons in this version.
  • Save Scumming: The only way to continue the game if you die.
  • Start My Own: The game was actually made just because the developer, Robert Alan Koeneke, was hooked on Rogue while in the university of Oklahoma and moved departments to work on a VAX-11/780 minicomputer which didn't have video games.
  • Permadeath: Unless you copied the save file, if your character died it was all over.
  • Vulnerable Civilians: You can kill everyone in the town's streets, ranging from the harmless Village Idiot, or the hostile ones that try stealing your equipment.
