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Video Game / Body Elements

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Body Elements is a short RPG Maker horror game by Kona5. Unlike his other games, this one is unconnected to The 'Verse. You play as convicted Serial Killer Migita Youko, who killed and dismembered 30 people, as she escapes from her cell and wanders around the prison, which has become filled with body parts and is wholly absent of people. She also meets three fellow prisoners- Cop Killer Taniki Takao, robber Itaden Masako, and cybercriminal Okura Mami- who may help her on her quest.

Can be downloaded here.

This game contains examples of:

  • All Just a Dream: The ending implies that the game was Migita's guilt-induced hallucinations for her crimes, which is supported by the developer in the comments on the game's page.
  • All Your Powers Combined: All people Migita killed just happened to have something she needed for her plans to create a perfect criminal.
    • Takao Taniki is a sadistic brute that murdered three cops. She's killed by Migita for her arms.
    • Masako Itaden stole 30 million yen from a bank and is stated to be very fast. He's killed for his legs.
    • Mami Okura is a smart cybercriminal. She's killed for her head.
    • And finally, Youko Migita is an insane serial killer who butchers people. She kills herself in order to "transfer her mind to the doll.
  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Itaden Masako was convicted of robbery, murder... and speeding.
  • Bank Robbery: Itaden Masako's main crime was robbing 30 million yen from a bank, killing someone in the process, and speeding from the crime scene.
  • Downer Ending: Migita kills the other prisoners, chops off parts of their bodies to sew them into creating a perfect criminal, then hangs herself to transfer her deranged soul to the doll. The next day the corpses of the prisoners are found by the guards, but Migita's makeshift criminal is gone...
  • Frankenstein's Monster: Migita's "perfect criminal".
  • Gorn: The entire prison is filled with bloody dead bodies.
  • Living Doll Collector: Migita decides to kill her fellow prisoners and create a perfect criminal made out of their body parts.
  • Surreal Horror: The game is very Yume Nikki-esque in that there is little dialogue, focusing more on the surreal experience of wandering through a prison where almost everyone has mysteriously disappeared and all that remains are dismembered body parts.
