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Trope Co / Mask of Power

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Are you ugly? If you're reading this ad, don't deny it: you are!

All for the easy price of your identity, your soul, your mind, ownership of your meat-sack and $19.99 (plus shipping and handling), you can be the proud owner of one Trope Co.® Mask of Power™!

With the Mask of Power™, all you gotta do is wear it and suddenly you're have power over the elements. It can disguise you as any person you wish, slow down or speed up time, make you invisible, add ATK points at the expense of DEF points, turn you into a Toa, summon shadow minions, give you Toon Physics, even makes you more appealing to the opposite sex! And sometimes, the same sex.

Call 1-800-555-TROPECO to get yours today!

WARNING: Use of Trope Co.® Mask of Power™ may result in complete cessation of your real face under it. Should this happen call your doctor, then your local priest.
