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Trope Co / Dagwood Sandwich

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Try our monday special at the Trope Co.® Greasy Spoon: the Dagwood Sandwich™!

Choose your type of bread*, stacked with cheese, ham, ham, ham, tomato, cheese, ham, tomato and cheese, followed by the bread of your choice with one of three flavors of pesto and garlic-butter slathered on both sides, then we add salami, pepperoni, prosciutto, lettuce, spinach, avocado, bacon, baked salmon, grilled herring, an unopened can of tuna, twinkies, runny egg and cheese. In between each of those layers we add a different dressing each, including ranch, Caesar, blue cheese, mayonaisse, sriracha sauce, sriracha mayo, buffalo sauce, soy sauce and Chef Boyardee Pizza-sauce.

For only 50¢ more, you have the option to have that whole thing oven-toasted or covered in pancake batter and deep-fried like at the Texas State-Fair.

The new Dagwood Sandwich™. Only at Greasy Spoon.
