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Trivia / Winter of '83

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  • Bonus Material: In the physical release of Winter of '83, a commentary from Lewis himself is included in the rerelrease. In addition, there are three additional segments added.
  • Creator Backlash: Downplayed: Even Lewis Lovhaug agreed with the sentiment that the line "LOOK AT HIS ARMS; THEY'RE MADE OF SNOW!" was pretty narmy and removed it from the full movie compilation.
  • Production Posse: A lot of the people who did voices for this had also worked with Lovhaug before or were even fellow former Channel Awesome members, including his wife Viga Gadson, Nash Bozard, Chuck Sonnenburg, Scott Frerichs, Allison Pregler, and Marc Swint.
  • Word of God: In a video discussing the series, Lewis brought along a couple of small tidbits in his comment.
    • The scientist that Carl finds in the basement was the same one begging for help during the "End of Broadcast Day" interruption.
    • The detail of Dr. Chandra being missing has two major purposes - to indicate that what was going on at Scott's Manor was shadier than the initial idea, as well as showing a minor detail that might be expanded upon in a potential sequel series.
    • Despite the April Fools' Day message hoodwinking people otherwise, Lewis confirmed that the Channel 74 interruption by the bacteria in the ending is indeed canon.
    • Lewis confirmed on Twitter that the series is not set in the same universe as Atop the Fourth Wall.
