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Trivia / Welcome To Reality

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  • No Budget: A considerable deal of subterfuge was used in making the film. The crew has to sneak into one of the locations to film, repainted the walls, filmed the scenes, then quickly painted the walls their original color before anyone was the wiser. Another location which required script approval before granting permission to use the grounds was given an altered screenplay so they would grant access to the crew.
    • Nearly all the equipment used in the production was borrowed. The director lost access to the equipment with two days left in the filming schedule, and had to find a replacement lender right away to finish the production. As it were, both assistant Directors of Photography who were supplying the equipment proved to be unpopular on set, but had to be dealt with, as the film would never have been made otherwise. The director saw fit to outfit himself with all his own equipment from then on to never be in that position again.
  • The Other Darrin: The actress playing Marozia was recast on the day her scenes were filmed, due to an emergency cast dropout. The director asserts the replacement actress' (Reed Apostol) performance was the best he could have hoped for.
  • What Could Have Been: The keep fight was originally intended to be much more elaborate conflict, but for the sake of reality, and lack of rehearsal, the keep fight ended up being much more simplistic and totally improvised; with scenes being filmed as the director thought them up.
    • The director originally was going to cast his circle of immediate friends in the roles of the film, but managed to land a chance to hold formal auditions, which resulted in finding what the producers deemed "the perfect cast."
