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Trivia / Very Important People

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  • Missing Trailer Scene: A brief scene of Jasper and Casper chanting and wafting coffee in Vic's face doesn't appear in their episode.
  • Prop Recycling: The wig used for Ally Beardsley's pig character was a last minute addition, since they'd dyed their hair bright green between meeting with costumes and filming. The wig was used for Brennan Lee Mulligan's caveman, which filmed first on the same day, and was cut last minute to work for Ally's character.
  • What Could Have Been: As discussed in the post-show Last Look series, since the show boils down to actors improvising based on an outfit, the concept the crew thought they'd go with and what actually aired is often wildly different.
    • Jacob Wysocki and Kimia Behpoornia's characters were originally safari tourists, but the idea was scrapped since the transformation wasn't dramatic enough. Jacob's makeup was also originally more birdlike to match Kimia's wig.
    • Jiavani and Oscar Montoya's characters originally had "twirly propeller hats", but they weren't used because it was too specific of a prop.
    • Izzy Roland's character was pitched internally as a "Mother Earth crossed with Jersey" concept. Since Izzy leaned so heavily into the Jersey side and turned the "Mother Earth" angle into a pageant queen's costume, a patch of real dirt and moss the crew had ready as a prop was unused.
