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Trivia / Total Drama: "So, Uh, This Is My Team?"

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  • Content Leak: The storyboard for this episode, including several What Could Have Been panels mentioned below, was leaked several months before the season's premiere.
  • What Could Have Been: The leaked storyboard of this episode revealed quite a few changes in comparison to the final product:
    • Beardo was originally making robot sounds and walking like a robot during his attempt to retrieve supplies from the garbage pile instead of running in slow motion.
      • Furthermore, Dave and Chef's reactions to this could be seen on two separate small screens.
    • After Leonard's tower fell over and Leonard was revealed to not be hurt, a piece of the tower fell down and hit him on the head as he celebrated.
    • After retrieving the bucket of glitter, the birds that were following Ella got injured, unbeknownst to her.
    • There was one more Sugar's confessional, which was shown at the beginning of the elimination ceremony, along with Dave's, Leonard's and Beardo's.
    • During the campfire ceremony, Sugar ate Leonard's marshmallow.
