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Trivia / Total Drama: "Food Fright"

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  • Orphaned Reference: Sam's role throughout the episode seems to be the biggest example of him replacing an originally planned to compete Owen as he's showing behavior very in-character to Owen and one that doesn't have much to do with Sam's personality. Specifically, him being the one to eat the biggest portion of his team's pancake, him stealing a part of it to keep it just in case he's exiled to Boney Island, as well as facing off Alejandro in the last part of the challenge (as their animosity towards each other makes more sense, considering it'd be a continuation of their initially one-sided rivalry from World Tour).
  • What Could Have Been: The storyboard reveals that the scene at the girls' cabin from the start of the episode would've played out differently. Heather would've complained about getting Chef's powdered gruel on her hair while Courtney gives her a broom. After being asked what she can do with it, Courtney answered "Ride it," calling her a witch in a roundabout way, referencing their conflict largely missing from the final product. Meanwhile, Gwen would've been fixing a gap in the roof over her bed with the gruel, recommending doing so for Courtney next, only for the latter to refuse, suspecting it might turn out to be another act of Gwen "sabotaging" her.
