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Trivia / The Punisher (1989)

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  • Banned in China: The film was initially banned in South Africa for two years.
  • California Doubling: While the location of the city is unsaid, it is easy to suppose that it's on the United States. The whole film was made in Sydney, Australia.
  • Completely Different Title:
    • Hungary: The Criminal
    • Mexico: Revenge is My Name
    • Portugal: Silent Fury
    • Romania: Avenger
    • Serbia: Executor
  • Direct to Video: The film had some trouble to make it into the theaters in the US, and it was eventually only released on video.
  • Disowned Adaptation: Compared to the other two Punisher films, Marvel Comics isn't too fond of the film, and doesn't list it under their "Movies" section on their website, a distinction it also shares with Fantastic Four (2015).
  • Dyeing for Your Art: Blond haired Dolph Lundgren dyed his hair black for the titular role. He also went through the old training regimen he used as a competitive martial artist to be as physically imposing and capable as possible.
  • Fake American: In addition to Swedish Dolph Lundren in the title role, many of the supporting roles are played by Australian actors playing Americans due to film being made in Sydney.
  • The Foreign Subtitle: Spain: The Punisher: Avenger
  • No Stunt Double: Dolph Lundgren did most of his own stunts.
  • What Could Have Been: Christopher Lambert was director Mark Goldblatt's first choice for the role of Frank Castle. But Lambert injured his ankle, and was unable to accept the role.
