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Trivia / The Crucible

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The original play:

  • Creator Backlash: Arthur Miller himself felt the initial production was too stylized and cold.
  • Denied Parody: The play is commonly interpreted as an anvilicious commentary on a contemporary legal scare. In this case, it was McCarthyism, though Arthur Miller denied it at the time. Part of the confusion also may come from a German play Wahn oder der Teufel in Boston (Delusion, or The Devil in Boston), which was written as a direct allegory, using the Salem Witch Trials six years previously.
  • Reality Subtext: It's been suggested that Abigail being given an Age Lift so she and John Proctor could have an affair parallels Arthur Miller's own adulterous relationship with Marilyn Monroe - although Marilyn herself was also married and significantly older than Abigail's 17.
  • Write What You Know: Though based on historical events, Arthur Miller altered some events to more strongly parallel his own experience during the McCarthy era. In particular, Abigail Williams was only 12. Miller made her older so that she could have had a sexual relationship with John Proctor. This paralleled Miller's own adulterous relationship with Marilyn Monroe.
  • Working Title: Those Familiar Spirits.

The 1996 adaptation:
