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Trivia / Star-Crossed Crusaders

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  • Approval of God: Clayman, the creator of 7th Stand User, tweeted being amused by a drawing (made while the original story was ongoing and is on the gallery) of some of the Stands from the game and their users, all consisting of (from left to right, top to bottom) Kinoshita, Kageyama, Mizuno, Arihara, Otomine, Hitomi, and Tabasaki, who are all based on the different avatar types in the game. Clayman's tweet roughly translates to "Image search is also fun". This is a more loose example due to the language barrier with this work being a fanfic, but it pretty much still counts since all characters depicted appear in the story.
  • Hypothetical Casting: While smaller here, the series of fanfics is chock-full of these, likely to help give a better picture of how the characters speak. Especially considering some of the dialogue is taken from the anime's English Dub for that same reason. Below are the examples for this fanfic across both versions, including Japanese voice actors if applicable:
  • What Could Have Been:
    • Chapter 42 of the original version was originally conceived as a one-shot that was to be uploaded separately.
    • Back when she appeared as an independent enemy in the original, Whitney was originally going to have an Ax-Crazy personality instead of the personality she has in both versions.
  • Write What You Know: Chapter 42 of the original version takes some cues from both theories about Jotaro's childhood and the author's experiences growing up.
