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Trivia / Scary Larry

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  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: As of this writing (2023), there is currently no way to legally watch the show in English. It hasn't aired on TV since its run on KidsClick and The Roku Channel has removed it from their service. 13 episodes have been uploaded on YouTube, courtesy of user DangerousVHS. Another user by the name of Miloš Nikić has the entire series uploaded in Serbian with English fansubs.
    • There also exists a Castilian Spanish dub under the title of Espeluznante Larry. Only one clip of this dub exists online.
  • No Export for You: Despite the English version being a collab between the US and the UK, it has only seen release in the former.
    • Late Export for You: The English dub wasn't released until 2017, about 5 years after the original show's premiere in France.
  • What Could Have Been: According to co-creator of the comic series Landry Walker, the primary reason for the changes from the original comic to the TV series was for multiple reasons. One of which was to re-evaluate the characters in a more appropriate and effective matter best suited for TV production; another was due to many TV properties having similar attributes as the original comic series and as such need to make changes to avoid any legal issues.
    • The series' production dated back to 2000 when Walker and co-creator Eric Jones were approached by director Henry Selick of The Nightmare Before Christmas fame for a potential stop motion TV adaption. The series was pitched to both Disney and Nickelodeon; both studios rejected the series. In Disney's case, they didn't realize that Walker and Jones created the comic and initially thought they we're trying to pitch a series based on a comic they legally own. Despite that Disney Adventure Magazine (where Gloomy was published) posted creator-owned comics, the studio threatened legal action and the pitch fell through. In Nickelodeon's case, it was a combination of the studios' failed experience with Invader Zim, which they compared the show too, and the fact that the comic was published by SLG Publishing, same studio that published Jhonen Vasquez' graphic works, not suitable for children.
    • The series was eventually picked up by 1492 Pictures in 2004. Walker and Jones were only involved in the show's early development due to their busy schedules working in comics. There initial idea for the series was for it to be a more dark and soap-opera based, with the band element only being a side quirk that's brung up on occasion.
    • Victoria (whom was the TV series' equivalent of Little Gloomy) was always depicted to have vampire relations in both forms of media. Her name came from when the network declined using her original name due to similarities with Ruby Gloom, and out of choosing between the final name and Gloomy's real name Charlotte, Victoria was chosen as it was perfect for alliteration.
    • Larry's design was originally more close to the original comics as shown in the initial trailer and promotional pictures, before he was redesigned for the final version. Larry was also made the protagonist of the series when execs didn't feel comfortable for the show having a female lead.
    • Cleo was initially named Mummy in the initial trailer as well, much like her comic counterpart. Also, initially the creators wanted the character to use sign language as a homage to the character speaking in hieroglyphics in the original comics. Tara Strong voiced the character in the pilot.
    • Frank was supposed to be a smaller-built character and wasn't supposed to have the stereotypical dumb jock personality as the creator felt it was cliched. This was inverted in the pilot and series.
    • Carl, initially depicted to be a Cthulu monster, is now an alien and his Italian accent was not present in the pilot. Walker found out that the accent addition was not only a jab at his Italian background but also an indirect nod of Carl being an alien foreigner in the band, which he had a huge distaste for in that writing.
    • The band name, "Insomniac Babies", was initially supposed to be called "The Tombs Tones", but was changed the moment Walker and Jones left production.
    • The series' pilot was produced in English and animated in Toon Boom Harmony at Mercury Filmworks, and also used a well known LA-voice cast. The series however was produced and animated in France in Flash animation, and used local talent for voices in French and a UK based cast in English.
