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Trivia / Robot Monster

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  • Acting for Two: George Barrows as both Ro-Man and Great Guidance. It makes for some pretty cheesy fun, given that both characters have several conversations together but look almost exactly alike and have the exact same voice.
  • Colbert Bump: How many people are only familiar with Ro-Man and this movie because of SCP-2006, the Too Spooky SCP?
  • Completely Different Title:
    • Brazil: The Alien Robot
    • Mexico: The Monster from Mars
    • Poland: You Come from Outer Space
  • Falsely Advertised Accuracy: The trailer claims, "Robot Monster brings you an actual preview of the devastating forces of our future." So far, nothing like this has happened in real life.
  • Follow the Leader: Invaders From Mars, released a month earlier.
  • Iconic Characters: Ro-Man: the classic B-Movie monster of all time.
  • No Budget: Filmed in four days for $16,000 (around $150,000 in today's money). How cash-strapped was this production? The actor playing Ro-Man, George Barrows, was known as "Gorilla Man", because he owned his own gorilla suit. So, Tucker couldn't even afford costuming — the actor was hired because he already owned one.
