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Funny / Robot Monster

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  • Ro-Man. Even the padding scenes of him walking around are unintentionally hilarious due to just how ridiculous and out-of-place a diving-helmet wearing gorilla looks. Doubly so when combined with the narration. We're supposed to believe that what is basically a gorilla with a goldfish bowl on its head is having an existential crisis developing from a forbidden attraction. As if that was not patently absurd enough, out comes the bubble machine... although considering it was his first Ro-Man-tic encounter, can you blame him for the confusion?
  • This exchange:
    Johnny: "You're just a big bully who enjoys picking on people smaller than you!"
    (Beat, as if Ro-Man is trying to think of a clever comeback — or decide if it is even worth replying at all)
    Ro-Man: "Now I will kill you!"
  • How bad was the film? Ed Wood bashed it. Yes. Ed Wood. From Hollywood Rat Race:
    "What in hell can any director do with a lousy cast and a lousy story? There was a film, in the days of 3-D, which only because it was in 3-D, played the Paramount Theater in Hollywood (one of the major houses). The picture lasted one performance, then was scrapped until television came in. It claimed to be a science-fiction piece. The only science (or fiction) about it was the fact it came into being at all."
  • As inappropriate as it sounds, the Professor's speech at Carla's funeral is one of the funniest parts of the film.
  • Johnny is hilariously stoic and indifferent at his own sister's funeral. The fact that this is All Just a Dream of his is a little unsettling.
