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Trivia / Rising Sun

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  • Creative Differences: Michael Crichton and Michael Backes quit the project, largely over disagreements with writer and director Philip Kaufman, that one of the lead characters should be changed into an African-American. (they're still credited as co-writers).
  • Creator-Chosen Casting: Michael Crichton wrote the novel with the idea Sean Connery would play John Connor in the film version, hence why the name even resembles Connery's.
  • Fake Nationality: Jingo, a Japanese/African-American character, is played by Tia Carrere, an American with Filipino parents.
  • Follow the Leader: Shortly after Rising Sun, Tom Clancy penned Debt of Honor with a similar premise (murder of an American woman by corrupt Japanese zaibatsu, corporate warfare), but made a twist into making it escalate into actual shooting war between Japan and the United States.
  • Self-Adaptation: Michael Crichton was adapting the script with a co-writer until the aforementioned Creative Differences.
  • Translation Correction: The Japanese dub changes the name of Jingo Asakuma to the more correct Junko Asakuma.
