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Trivia / Remnant Inferis: DOOM

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Trivia tropes for Remnant Inferis: DOOM:

  • Accidentally-Correct Writing: Well before DOOM Eternal was released...
    • While the circumstances are different from the games, Remnant Inferis: DOOM inadvertently predicted the Demon of Human Origin nature of the demons.
    • Also, the Doom Slayer breaking his silence, though only at certain crucial points during the game.
  • Creator Backlash: Specifically in regards to the early parts of the story.
    • The author regrets having had the Slayer's backstory revealed so early on, in part because of the later revelations in DOOM Eternal that revealed the Slayer and Doomguy to be the same person rather than separate people. He admits in the author's notes of Chapter 27 that had he known that would have been canon, he wouldn't have written them as different characters.
    • He also regrets how Deag Grav was portrayed early on due to it almost being impossible to reconcile with how he was in DOOM Eternal.
    • GamerJay has also regretted the scene in Chapter 27 that was inspired by Event Horizon, realizing it was too much. As a result, he want back and altered it to be far more ambiguous and less explicit in detail.
    • Overall, GamerJay grew rather distasteful towards the much more graphic/crude elements present throughout the story, with him actively going back to tone things down and admitting that he's not proud of what he wrote.
  • Dear Negative Reader: In response to the large amount of readers complaining about the Slayer being "nerfed", GamerJay addressed the issue in the author's notes of the 27th chapter, pointing out that the Slayer has been winning his fights and that just because it's taking more effort to win against certain opponents doesn't mean he's weaker. He also points out that a lot of the complaints he received seemed to confuse his 2016 version with the level he was at in DOOM Eternal.
  • Follow the Leader:
  • Hypothetical Casting: According to Word of God in the author's notes at the end of Chapter 7, the Doom Slayer is voiced by Brian Bloom, and sounds like B.J. Blazkowicz, but without a Southern accent. In Chapter 12, it's stated that his child-self is voiced by Maile Flanagan.
  • Outdated by Canon: As both RWBY and DOOM had ongoing stories and world-building when this fic was first published, this was inevitable.
    • The idea that the Doomguy and Doom Slayer are father and son was disproved with the release of Doom Eternal, which revealed that they are the exact same person.
    • The fic was hit with this big time when it came to the origin of Hell. In this fic, the demons are the corrupted souls of the first batch of Remnantians, who the God Of Darkness wiped out to punish Salem. The Ancient Gods would reveal that the demons and Hell were originally the people of Jekkad, Davoth's realm, who became corrupted after the Maykrs locked Davoth away into Jekkad, where his fury would turn the place into Hell.
    • The Brother Gods are Makyrs in this version. The final episode of Volume 9 of Ruby would reveal that they were the creations of the Ever After Tree.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • GamerJay originally intended for Ruby and the Slayer's first encounter with Blake to go differently, with her having just survived a village of deranged cultists who scraped hellish runes on her body and the three of them heading back to the village. This was scrapped due to not wanting to write any of Team RWBY in a victimized fashion.
    • The individual members of Team RWBY would have been introduced to the Slayer one after the other in individual chapters, but it was decided instead to have a couple chapters focus on Ruby and the Slayer's characterization, compare and contrast them, and establish some dynamics between them.
    • One plan was for Doom Slayer to be an Identical Stranger to Taiyang Xiao Long.
    • The author originally intended for Jacques Schnee to be an irredeemable monster and one of the masterminds of the demonic invasion, but after watching Volume 7, decided to make him a pawn of the real mastermind, Merlot.
    • The author intended for Deag Nilox to survive the fic so the events of the second game could play out like normal before changing their mind and having the Doom Slayer kill him early.
  • Writing by the Seat of Your Pants: The author admits to doing this for much of the story. Part of the reason why he announced the hiatus was because he was tired of it.
