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Trivia / Red Dwarf Season VIII "Pete - Part 2"

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  • Deleted Scene: Scenes cut from the episode:
    • The scene immediately following dinosaur Pete's appearance was originally longer, with additional sarcastic dialogue from Rimmer about the transformed pet, saying that it's plumage gives away the difference. Kryten says that he is going to complain to the makers of the Time Wand.
    • As dinosaur Pete gobbles up Bob the Skutter (replete with the Time Wand), Kryten comes out from hiding behind some crates and is very cross and tries to "tell it off". Kryten grabs hold of the dinosaur's foot and begins slapping it and kicking it, demanding that Pete let Bob go. As Pete swallows Bob, Kryten grabs hold of Pete's leg more tightly, sitting on the dinosaur's foot. Pete begins to walk forward, carrying Kryten up in the air with it, holding on for dear life.
    • As the rest of the Dwarfers run into an adjacent cargo bay, Lister shouts for Kryten to hurry and join them in fleeing. Kryten is however stuck sat on the dinosaur's foot, but Pete shakes it's leg violently, throwing Kryten off and slinging the mechanoid through the air (special effects for this shot were never completed). Kryten, exhausted, lands some distance away, and runs to the metal door where Lister is beckoning. They shut the door, and Kryten catches his breath against it, but the dinosaur is following, and starts breaking through the door where Kryten is resting.
    • As the Dwarfers hide behind some more cargo crates, Rimmer sarcastically says that Captain Hollister will see the funny side of the situation, no trouble. After all, they've broken out of The Hole and recreated the most dangerous predator in history. "Who could fail to be amused by that tiny infringement of Space Corps Protocol?" He then repeatedly exclaims "We're finished!"
    • Lister says that they have to "keep this dinosaur business quiet". Rimmer says that will be difficult, since it is "rampaging around the food decks making more noise than two yodeling champions on honeymoon." Kryten reminds them that the rest of the crew are still frozen in time, but the freeze will soon expire, and that they must recover the Time Wand and undo their mistakes before this happens. The Cat is completely baffled has no idea what they are talking about.
    • As Lister comes up with the plan to get the Time Wand back by getting the dinosaur to eat curry, the others voice their concerns over this plan, especially Rimmer, saying that it would prefer an Indian waiter to Indian food. Kochanski says that they need to come up with a better plan, but Lister says that curry is his area of expertise. If they needed to navigate out of a star cluster, or what shade of green wellies to wear to a gymkhana, that would be Kochanski's area of expertise. However, "how to give a dinosaur the gallops" is Lister's area of expertise. Kochanski mocks Lister on being a "curry-ographer".
    • As the Dwarfers hide, Pete breaks through the metal door into their room and the Dwarfers look on terrified. Kryten is cowering almost completely out of sight, but is holding his eyeballs in his hands, up in the air above the cargo crates and using the eyes to see around the room better. Kryten begins to get more nervous, moving his eyes around erratically, then scares himself as the eyes see one another.
    • The dinosaur opens the final door by nudging the control panel with it's snout. Pete enters the final room and makes eye contact with the Dwarfers, who are (quite unsuccessfully) hiding behind some barrels. However, instead of eating them, the dinosaur smells the vat of cow curry, and it's attention is momentarily taken off the Dwarfers. Cat then accidentally knocks over the barrel he is behind, making a loud noise, and Pete turns back to them, with Cat now hiding behind Rimmer. Pete then ignores them and goes off to try the curry.
    • The Captain's Office scene in the dino aftermath was actually a re-shoot, ultimately rejected in favour of the original shoot, which had some slightly different gags. The re-shoot references Frankenstein as Rimmer discusses his knowledge of Space Corps Directives.
    • Captain Hollister tells Kochanski that her Punishment Detail is to "clean her cell with her tongue". Kryten is uncertain why he has been given the "reward" of ironing 800 prison smocks.
    • As the Canaries descend into the cargo bays aboard the shuttle train, Lister tells Kochanski that he is confident at how to use the Time Wand. Kryten reminds Lister that he holding the Time Wand upside down and back-to-front.
    • In the shuttle train, Kill Crazy and Baxter discuss their desire to have a fist-fight with a T-Rex, with Kill Crazy saying that it would be "smegging great". Lister says that the two clearly can't get killed quick enough. Kill Crazy says that he is going to make a coat out of it's skin, and have it's feet made into boots. Cat says that sounds good... has Kill Crazy thought about a matching satchel? Baxter reminds Kill Crazy that Crazy has a "glass jaw" (a jaw that is easily broken), and Crazy agrees, but reminds Baxter that a T-Rex has tiny arms. Baxter suggests taming it, since it would "make a lovely dog". Kill Crazy says he would boot "the dirty beast" if it rubbed it's arse on the carpet, but "the birds down the pub" would surely be impressed by his pet, and might let him take them out, and take their bras off. Baxter replies that "they let some blokes do that, you know" (heavily implying that Kill Crazy and Baxter are both virgins).
    • As Archie rummages around under Cat's clothes, Cat is as first terrified, but then Archie begins to tickle Cat. Kryten tells Archie off, telling him to "come out at once or he is in very deep trouble indeed. No more rude things for a week." Archie then goes into Cat's shorts, but Cat says "don't ask" as to where. Kryten tells Archie that he is "gated until Spring". Lister and Kochanski find it hilarious. The commotion is interrupted by radio contact from Captain Hollister, who is safely waiting out the dinosaur situation aboard a Blue Midget. Hearing the wailing of the Cat, the Captain asks what all the noise is, and Lister says that they are getting static as they "enter a tunnel" and cuts radio contact.
    • Kryten recaptures Archie, putting him into a metal briefcase which rattles noisily. Vibrating like an active drill is inside it, the briefcase begins to move along the floor, and Kryten struggles to stop it. Slapping the box shuts it up, and Kryten apologises that Archie is not quite house-trained yet. "He can play dead and beg, but that's about it". Cat says that they are never going to talk about it, and asks the others to pretend the Archie incident never happened. Kryten says that he was "just looking for somewhere warm to go". Cat asks if Archie has ever heard of a sauna.
    • After reverting Pete back to a sparrow, Rimmer says that they are finally getting on top of things. Then they discover the dinosaur egg, and they find the situation hard to believe. Rimmer checks the genitals of the bird, confirming that Pete is fact female.
    • In the finale to the episode, a traumatised and mute Captain Hollister communicates with Lister and Rimmer through written cards. After informing them that he is booking himself into The Hole for twelve months, something enters the Captain's Office and begins buzzing around the room at high speed, leaving a smoke trail and knocking all the Captain's effects over. It is Archie, who has escaped again, and again is looking for someplace warm. Hollister's eyes bulge with shock and he moans as Archie shoots through the rear of the Captain's uniform. Rimmer says "good news Sir, you're about to get your voice back."
