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Trivia / Philadelphia

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  • Cast the Runner-Up: Tom Hanks was originally offered the role of Joe Miller, but he was more interested in playing Andrew Beckett.
  • Dyeing for Your Art: Tom Hanks had to starve himself during the film's entire production to appear as though he were wasting away from AIDS. Inversely, Denzel Washington was encouraged to gain weight to give the impression of someone who lived much more comfortably.
  • Executive Meddling: Several scenes depicting a more intimate relationship between Andrew and Miguel were chopped out by the studio. They also attempted to block the casting of the HIV-positive Ron Vawternote , until director Jonathan Demme pointed out how hypocritical this would be in the face of the film's message.
  • Playing Against Type: This led to Tom Hanks Syndrome.
  • Reality Subtext: Prior to this film, Jonathan Demme had faced a massive backlash for Silence of the Lambs from the gay community, who felt that the Buffalo Bill's villainous characterization was rooted heavily in Gay Panic (feminine voice, a poodle named Precious, cross dressing, etc). Demme's follow up was a film which not only normalized homosexual people, but brought attention to one of their most infamous issues, though he claimed that he was planning on making it long before the Lambs controversy.
  • Real-Life Relative: Robert W. Castle, Jonathan Demme's cousin (and subject of Demme's documentary Cousin Bobby), plays Andrew's father.
  • Throw It In!: The moment when Belinda says that she hates the case was improvised in the moment, when Mary Steenburgen expressed her hate towards her role after shooting the mirror scene and Jonathan Demme encouraged her to incorporate it into the role, so the woman would seem more human.
  • Tom Hanks Syndrome: The Trope Maker. Prior to Philadelphia, Tom Hanks had only appeared in two dramatic films, Nothing in Common and Every Time We Say Goodbye, neither of which were commercially or critically successful, so Hanks returned to doing comedic films. After this film, Hanks made the permanent transition from comedies to dramas.note 
  • What Could Have Been:
  • Working Title: People Like Us, At Risk and Probable Cause.
