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Trivia / Old School

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  • Actor-Inspired Element: The wedding scene where Mitch makes a speech was added during filming. The idea came from Vince Vaughn.
  • Deleted Role: Breckin Meyer has an uncredited role as a Highway Patrol Officer in the deleted scenes available on the DVD.
  • Inspiration for the Work: The idea for the film came when Todd Phillips was talking to a friend of his who had seen and enjoyed Phillips' movie Frat House and told him, "You know what would be funny is a movie about older guys who start a fraternity of their own." After being told by Phillips to write it, he presented Phillips with a "loose version" of the finished product.
  • Method Acting: Will Ferrell may not have been as drunk as Frank was in the streaking scene but he apparently did need some "liquid courage" before filming it. And yes, he really was naked as evidenced by the blink-and-you'll-miss-it glimpse of his penis.
  • One-Take Wonder: Some of Luke Wilson's scenes (like when he arrives home) were done in one take. The crew nicknamed him "One take Wilson".
  • Stillborn Franchise: Vince Vaughn and Will Ferrell were going to be in a sequel called Old School Dos but was cancelled after they felt the screenplay is too similar to the original.
  • Technology Marches On: The film is set in 2002 and people use beepers, speakers and cassettes.
  • Uncredited Role: Terry O'Quinn agreed to play Goldberg, uncredited, in what was a two-day job for him. He neglected to inform his sons he was in the movie, and when they saw it, one of them called their father.
    I got a call from my sons one night, and they said, "What were you doing in Old School? We didn't even know you were in it!' They said, 'We're sitting there, and the first time we see you, it's, like, in a reflection in a window, and when we saw it, and we both thought we were, like, tripping or something!"
