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Trivia / Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii

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  • Bury Your Art: While the creator of the level "Fungi Pit" thought it was good, the same can't be said for the better part of the developers. For this reason, they elected to remove the level entirely in Newer Plus.
  • Dummied Out: The game contains unused text chastising the player for hooking up various controllers that aren't supported by Newer.
    (for a DDR pad) NO. This is NOT Dance Dance Revolution: Newer Mix. Unplug that dance mat right now.
    (for a Wii Motion Plus) THIS ISN'T SKYWARD SWORD.
    (for a GameCube controller) GameCube controllers suck according to half of the Newer staff, so please remove it before the disease spreads.
    (for a Wii Balance Board) You aren't serious, are you? A BALANCE BOARD? Really? How the hell are you expecting to play this game with it?!
  • Follow the Leader: Due to the original game being "New" and this game (plus the DS one) being "Newer", many have tried to ape the popularity of these hacks by entitling theirs "Newest". That is, if they aren't just stealing "Newer" outright (Newer Super Luigi Wii, for example, has nothing to do with either this or Newer DS).
  • What Could Have Been:
    • According to the developer walkthrough, there were supposed to be hand-drawn cutscenes, but they were scrapped due to problems. So far, the original opening cutscene has been uploaded onto YouTube. Notably, here the hot air balloons Mario and his friends were riding on get destroyed, but in the opening cutscene of the final game, they're intact. Also, Bowser Jr. was present, but he's missing from the final game.
    • According to the developer commentary, originally the world maps would have been in 3D. However the modeller quit part way through, and the idea had to be scrapped.
