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Trivia / My Hero Academia: Unchained Predator

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  • Creator Backlash: Chapter 21 was rewritten, with feedback taken into consideration, to tone down the Slayer's beatdown of the Heroes as the author felt it was way too brutal and many of the injuries inflicted would have almost certainly crippled them and ended many of their careers in-universe.
  • Distanced from Current Events: The fic originally contained characters from Diablo, but the author changed them to characters from Darksiders after Blizzard Entertainment embroiled in a massive sexual harassment scandal in 2021 alongside their poor treatment of their franchises such as the disastrous launch of World of Warcraft Reforged.
  • Follow the Leader: This story was mainly inspired by GamerJay's Doom (2016)/RWBY Fusion Fic Remnant Inferis: DOOM after seeing how well the author meshed together these universes and the massive popularity it received by readers. Needless to say, that decision paid off with flying colors as Unchained Predator is currently rising up to be one of the highest rated MHA crossover fanfics in the fandom.
  • What Could Have Been: Initially, this story was a triple crossover with Diablo instead of Darksiders. However, due to Blizzard Entertainment's sexual harassment scandal alongside their streak of other bad decisions regarding their franchises, reeleffendeel decided to change it to Darksiders.
