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Trivia / Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch

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  • All-Star Cast: In the Spanish dub, the team behind the songs' adaptation gathered the very best of the business, featuring names like Sol Pilas (a legendary Spanish singer who adapted the openings of many anime series in The '80s and The '90s), María Ovelar and her daughters (Ovelar having directed the musical part of several Disney movies in Spain), Cani González (another Disney movie lead) and Marta Sam, Miguel Antelo and Araceli Lavado (lead singers of Phineas and Ferb). The characters' voice cast also featured a ton of big names of the Madrid anime dub scene.
  • Cross-Dressing Voices: Hippo, Michel, and Nagisa are all played by females in the original Japanese version.
  • No Budget: The anime. The animation's often Off-Model, there are a lot of Stock Footage and flashbacks alike, some of the voice actors couldn't actually sing (though most were pretty good), and the animators didn't even redraw the lip flaps when reusing stock footage for different songs. The last episode of the first season has a glaring example where all they did to spice up the final battle was add rainbow effects over everything and occasionally obviously speed up some clips.
  • No Export for You: Averted in the case of the manga in the US. The anime and the games are a bit more mixed depending on location. The reason why the English-speaking world hasn't officially got the anime is because TV networks wouldn't take it at the time, not for lack of trying on either side of the anime industry. Thankfully, there's a Fandub of the series.
  • Screwed by the Network: It was TV Aichi that required that the series be broadcast on television before being released on home video. MMPPP fans, now you know how the Battle Royale fans felt back in The Aughts.
  • Star-Making Role: This was Asumi Nakada's first lead (and voice acting) role. This is also Eri Kitamura's first major voice acting role.
  • Translation Correction: In the manga, the Black Beauty sisters invocation is "It's a show time!" This is corrected in the anime and in all translations of the manga.
  • What Could Have Been: It was to be set in the pirate days, with Kaito as a pirate. The only heroic mermaids were Lucia (then named Lyre), Hanon and Rina. The villains were also merpeople and were only Izuuru, Gackt/Gaito and Sara.
  • Write Who You Know: Eriru is based on the author's sister and Izuuru is named after her editors.
