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Trivia / Mario Forever

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  • Dummied Out: There are some unused levels in the game, along with some unused frames. They can only be accessed by modifying the mafosav.ini filenote .
  • Keep Circulating the Tapes:
    • There are three versions of the game that are unavailable and are considered lost. These versions are 1.15, 1.16, and 4. While versions 1.15 and 1.16 are well known among the game's community, version 4 is not very well known, with some even thinking that this version doesn't exist, given the fact that v4.0 proved to be more popular than version 4.
  • What Could Have Been: On November 16, 2017, the game's developer, Michał Gdaniec, has posted the graphics and, what he calls the history of his first steps in game development, the very first known version of Mario Forever, notably started in the 90s. This version was called as Mario Forever 1996, made on the Amiga 1200. Notably, the artstyle of the sprites is much grittier than the ones in the final game, which uses sprites ripped from Super Mario All-Stars. Because of being made all the way back in 1996, this version is lost, along with the developer's other games made with the Amiga 1200. Some more information about them, including the 1996 version of Mario Forever, can be viewed on the developer's website.
