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Trivia / Green Eggs and Ham

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The book

  • Beam Me Up, Scotty!: One of the lines in the book is often quoted as "Would you eat them in a house? Would you eat them with a mouse?". The line is actually "Would you like them in a house? Would you like them with a mouse?".
  • Completely Different Title:
    • Polish: Who Will Eat Green Fried Eggs?note 
    • Hebrew: Not Hungry, Don't Love It. note 
    • Latin: The Eggs Are Green! The Ham Is Green!note 
  • Defictionalization:
    • "Green, egg and ham" was a real dish, but the "green" referred to a vegetable side dish rather than the color of the meal as a whole, hence the joke. While the real dish has fallen out of favor, actual dishes of green eggs and green ham, however, have cropped up as references to the book:
    • The Friendly Toast, a breakfast joint in Portsmouth, New Hampshire (with a second location in Cambridge, Massachusetts) is one of the more famous of the Greasy Spoon-type places that actually make their own version, though the ham isn't usually dyed green.
    • In 2008 and 2012, as part of promotions for the Horton Hears a Who! and The Lorax movies, International House of Pancakes (IHOP) offers Green Eggs and Ham, mixing creamed spinach with scrambled eggs.
    • Green eggs were annoyingly common in early Army rations. The sulfur in the eggs reacted with the preserving process, turning the eggs an unpleasant shade of green. The taste wasn't affected, but visually, more than a few soldiers found them disgusting.
    • To promote the Netflix series, Subway served Green Eggs and Ham sandwiches (with green-dyed eggs) at restaurants in New York City and Los Angeles.

The 1973 animated adaptation

  • Acting for Two: Both main characters are voiced by Paul Winchell, making the whole short feel like a conversation between Dick Dastardly and Tigger. There's even an Actor Allusion when the man in the tall hat eats the green eggs and ham and he lets out a distinctive "Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!" when he likes it.
