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Trivia / First Man

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  • Ability over Appearance: Ryan Gosling doesn't resemble Neil Armstrong that much, but he's a good enough actor to pull it off.
  • Fake American: Canadian Ryan Gosling, English Claire Foy, Australian Jason Clarke, and Irish Ciarán Hinds portray Americans Neil Armstrong, Janet Armstrong, Ed White, and Robert Gilruth respectively.
  • Market-Based Title: The movie was renamed Man on the Moon in Russia, probably because Russians have a first man of their own, whose accomplishments they consider more important.
  • Missing Trailer Scene: The first trailer included a scene of the Armstrongs' house burning down, which happened in real life; this was ultimately cut from the film.
  • Production Posse: It's the second time Gosling has worked as lead in a Damien Chazelle film.
