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Trivia / EarthBound: The Celestial Melodies

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  • Actor-Shared Background: Given the characters are made by their player, this is the case with most of them. Drake's player is a skilled fencer, Ian's original player was British, Ham's player is an alt kid (scene/emo, to be specific), and Ryler's player is an avid scarf-wearer with a younger sister.
  • Concept Art: The closest to official art ever posted of any of the characters is a pixel art rendition of Dana, Drake, Ian, Pio, and Scale.
  • Creator Breakdown: Homework, depressive mood, and most curiously, getting muted on the site for three months.
  • Creator's Favorite: Scale/#170 has been stated to be pio_dov's favorite character from the story.
  • The Danza: Ham is the real-life nickname of Ham's player, and Dov is the Hebrew name of pio_dov.
  • Diagnosis of God: Ian is autistic, request of his original player, as they themself had autism.
  • Fake Brit: pio_dov, whenever he writes Ian's lines. The character is British, but pio_dov is not. note 
