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Trivia / DEATH BATTLE! S02E07 - Luigi VS Tails

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  • As mentioned in the end of the episode, this episode aired at the end of the 'Year of Luigi', Luigi's 30th anniversary. And considering the outcome, that's a sad way to send it off.
  • Originally in the preview of Luigi's overview, they mentioned that Luigi was stronger than Mario. This error was fixed in the official release. Most games that confirm Mario's and Luigi's stats have Mario obviously stronger than Luigi, especially Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games and Super Mario Bros. 2.
  • Tails and Luigi are rivals in the Mario and Sonic Olympic Games.
  • Both Tails and Luigi are afraid of ghosts and are cowardly.
  • The hosts agreed that the combatants were not allowed to use their mechs or vehicles because Tails would have an obvious advantage.
  • Luigi's feat of 'Winning Mario Party by doing absolutely nothing' refers to a series of popular youtube videos. The AI of Mario Party can be so bad that some minigames can be won by literally doing nothing and allowing the CPU to kill themselves.
