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Trivia / Da Cor do Pecado

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  • Playing Their Own Twin: Twin brothers Paco and Apolo (Separated at Birth) are both played by Reynaldo Gianecchini .
  • What Could Have Been:
    • Kelly Key (who is a singer, not an actress) was the production's first choice for the role of Tina, but declined the invitation because she preferred to focus on her music career.
    • Actress and dancer Sabrina Sato, who had become famous with her participation in Big Brother Brasil, was also invited to play Tina, but she declined for fear of receiving more offers of identical roles and preferred to work as a presenter on television programs.
    • Originally, Karina Bacchi was going to play Moa, but was eventually cast in the role of Tina after Key dropped out. Alinne Moraes was chosen to play Moa.
    • Afonso was supposed to die in the first half of the telenovela, but creator João Emanuel Carneiro decided to postpone this event to the final chapters, as he liked the chemistry between Lima Duarte and Sergio Malheiros.
    • A spin-off in a sitcom format about the Sardinha family was considered, but the project was shelved.
  • Word of Saint Paul: According to actor Caio Blat, Abelardo is not gay.
