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Trivia / Buffy the Vampire Slayer S7E1 "Lessons"

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  • Author's Saving Throw: For Willow's Addictive Magic storyline in Season 6. Joss Whedon himself disliked this development, so he included a scene where Giles tells Willow that magic in itself is not addictive, the problem was her attitude towards it.
  • California Doubling: Anthony Stewart Head's home in Somerset doubles for Westbury. The horse is his, too. (To be fair, most American viewers wouldn't know the difference between Somerset and Westbury.)
  • Completely Different Title:
    • Finnish: "Avajaiset" (Opening)
    • French: "Rédemption" (Redemption)
    • German: "Alles auf Anfang" (Back to the Beginning)
    • Hungarian: "Az iskola" (The School)
    • Italian: "La Consulente" (The [Female] Consultant)
  • Deleted Scene: This line was cut due to length:
    Dawn:...and my sister is a vampire slayer, her best friend is a witch who went bonkers and tried to destroy the world, um, I actually used to be a little ball of energy until about two years ago when some monks changed the past and made me Buffy's sister and for some reason a big klepto. My best friends are Leticia Jones, who moved to San Diego because this town is evil, and a floppy-eared demon named Clem.
  • Exiled from Continuity: The First appears to Spike as all the previous big bads...except Angelus, with Drusilla representing Season 2 instead despite being just the Medium-Sized Bad of that season, so to speak. This was due to Angel airing on a different network, so David Boreanaz wasn't at liberty to appear as a form of the First.
  • Recycled Set: The classroom was the classroom set used in the first three seasons at Sunnydale High.
  • Wag the Director: Michelle Trachtenberg was adamant that she wanted to wear the argyle sweater she wears in the episode, but when shooting her scenes the temperature was 110 degrees so she was too hot all the time.
