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Trivia / Agnes of God

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  • California Doubling: A rare instance of one part of Canada doubling another part of Canada; the Montreal convent was played by a prep school in Ontario.
  • Fake Nationality: Three of the four leads (Jane Fonda, Anne Bancroft, Anne Pitoniak) are American actresses playing Canadian characters.
  • When Martha visits her mom in the nursing home, Mom is engrossed in a Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends episode, "Pawns of the Kingpin."
  • Meg Tilly loved playing Agnes, experiencing her as a real person. After filming ended, she didn't want to return Agnes' clothing to wardrobe, feeling she'd never see her again. So when the wardrobe mistress came to her trailer, she explained this, and the wardrobe mistress offered to let her keep them. She still has Agnes' habit and shoes, as she shows us in her "Meg's Cozy Tea Time" video series.
