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Trivia / A Quincy's Fairy Tail

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  • Creator Breakdown: Ankoholic was a Ghostwriter for Goshinzilla's story boarding. Then said writer pulled a Hiimdaisy and deleted everything. Goshinzilla, not wanting the fic to become an Orphaned Series, took it upon himself to upload where the original writer left off. Though he still chips in on occasion, Goshinzilla took over writing primarily after chapter 36.
  • Creator Backlash: Ankoholic has since disowned Bleach due to a multitude of personal history complications and has left the story in Goshinzilla's capable hands. However, Ankoholic only holds ill will in regards Bleach, not for Bambietta Basterbine herself, Fairy Tail, or A Quincy's Fairy Tail. He greatly appreciated all the time he spent working on the story's first thirty-six chapters and the characters within, and is still more than willing to play ball when his assistance is requested in the writing process. Having certain scenes, plot points, and revelations that he has looked forward to writing for literally years does not hurt.
  • Creator's Favorite: As to be expected as the fic would not exist without this trope being in play. Bambietta Basterbine is one of Goshinzilla's favorite characters and her cruel mistreatment in her home series is what inspired him and a friend to create this story.
  • My Real Daddy: Jokingly, Goshinzilla has referred to this trope, citing that the best parts about Candice are the parts Draconichero created for the lore as hers is the only origin story of Bambietta and the other femritters that he had zero idea of what to do with her. Notably, of the five, Candice happens to be Draconichero's favorite.
  • Troubled Production: As noted above by Creator Breakdown and Creator Backlash, Goshinzilla didn't always have his hands on both the steering wheel and the gas pedal in a manner of speaking. And even now, after taking over, still will occasionally ask Draconichero to write a chapter or two if he feels he's not doing a good enough job.
  • Word of God: Goshinzilla has made it clear that Liltotto has no real chance of ending up with Natsu in his author's notes, and that it's all entirely one-sided.
