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Toys / Mermaid High

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Dive Deep into Mermaid High!note 
Mermaid High is a doll line with an attached Web Original seriesnote  that can be found on the official Mermaid High YouTube channel that centers around the first four dolls, Searra, Finly, Oceanna, and Mari, attending to the titular high school (named for its legendary mermaid sightings) as they pose as normal human teenagers.

Some time in mid-2022, it was quietly canceled after the Spring Break release.

Mermaid High provides examples of:

  • Aborted Arc: There's a love triangle that's built up between Oceanna and Searra regarding Josh in episodes 5 and 6 but it's seemingly by episode 8 with no hints of animosity by episode 12.
    • Do the mermaids go back to Mermaid High? Who's Raynea? Finly and Oceanna's respective relationships? All left unfinished plots after the doll line and show were Quietly Cancelled on a cliffhanger.
  • Aerith and Bob: The mermaids all have Punny Names, the most unusual being Oceanna while most human characters have normal names like Josh and Xavier.
  • All-CGI Cartoon: The episodes are all animated in CGI.
  • All There in the Manual: The Deep Dive recap features segments discussing characters and background information like:
    • The Merfriends won a lottery exchange program of sorts allowing them to attend Mermaid High.
    • Josh and Catalina used to date but broke up.
  • Animal Motif: Mari sports an octopus motif in her outfit.
  • Bland-Name Product: Searra owns bags from “Louis Seatton", and in episode 3, Cora uses "Goggle" which even has Google's matching colors.
  • Involuntary Shapeshifting: A major dilemma the girls have is their shapeshifting from mermaids to humans and back, which threatens their identities.
  • Love Triangle: Type 3 with Searra and Oceanna both crushing on Josh.
  • Magical Accessory: Oceanna wears a magical necklace to protect her from getting wet on land.
  • Magic Music: Mari is described as having hypnotic singing.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Because Searra leaves her shell-phone in school (something she was not supposed to bring to the surface), Cora ends up finding out about their secret.
  • Riddle for the Ages: There is so far no logical reason why the girls have to keep their mermaid side a secret when on the surface.
  • Secret Chaser:
    • Catalina and Devin are suspicious about the Merfriends' behavior and follow them around trying to find out what they're hiding. The instant they realize they're actual mermaids, they plot to expose their secret to the school.
    • Cora was this in Episode 3 before finally joining the girls' side in Episode 5.
  • Secret Identity: The girls have to keep their mermaid side a secret from most humans, or they will be banned from the surface forever.
  • Secret-Keeper: As of the fourth episode, the girls' lifeguard/blogger friend Cora is the only one who knows they're mermaids.
  • Speaks Fluent Animal: Finley can talk to sea creatures, as noted in her profile.
  • Theme Tune Roll Call: Natch for a high school doll line. This one names all four with a brief comment on them.
    Searra, takin' shellfies, fishionista splashin'
    Oceanna fast for shore, mermazing action
    Mari got that siren call, yeah, she can sing so high
    Finly talkin' dolphin, yeah, she a little wild
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: The girls are in human form when dry; they revert to mermaid form when they get wet.
  • World of Pun: This series is filled to the brim with puns. Almost every character has a Punny Name, casual words and phrases are altered to include puns, and the Merfriends even use “Shellphones.”
