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Tear Jerker / Zebra Girl

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  • The "Magi-Net" arc and especially its resolution.
  • Sandra leaving the Subfusc, and saying her goodbyes to both Mabel and Viv. Considering Viv implied they would not meet again until a very long time, if ever, it makes their separation all the more heartrending.
  • Crystal is The Woobie, and really needs a hug:
    • Her best friend turned into a demon, her own brother changed radically, and everything in her life was turned upside-down. Despite all of that, she remained positive and upbeat. However, when Sandra turned against her and her friends, her bubbly personality eventually crumbles and she ends up heartbroken. Her attempt to make Sandra listen to reason was a complete failure. She could only stand there and do nothing while her friends fought each other and her house was catching fire.
    • In the end, the person she still views as her best friend was banished to another dimension for five years, and when Sandra returned everyone was wary and ready to neutralize her for good... except Crystal, who never gave up hope, and was the unique member of the group to be happy to hear about her return. Defying all cautiousness, she went back to town alone, begging for Sandra, who decided to hide her presence when the group was looking for her earlier, to show herself. Crystal reveals just how much Sandra is dear to her, in a speech which could almost be interpretated as a Love Confession (and when taking into account how they actually feel for eachother, it could very well be one). She wants to believe that the person who was her best friend still exists, and that they can avoid a confrontation which would inevitably end in a tragedy. She never stopped missing her, but even she can't continue to live on like this, and she is desperate for a peaceful solution. She just wants her friend back, and you can't help but feel incredibly sad for her. And then it got worse: she is attacked, she is pleading for Sandra to help her, and her attacker smugly tells her that she was ordered to kill her by Zandra herself. She would have fell to her death without the timely intervention of Wally. She looks completly and utterly broken when the vampire lets her fall and tells her that she is beneath Zandra (and thus not worth of seeing, talking to or kill personaly). After this incident, Crystal tearfully accepts that Sandra is beyond help.
    • The aftermath of the attempted murder of Crystal, with a very distraught Wally yelling at her and asking her what she was thinking, pointing out that her actions could have cost her her life, and Crystal herself who seems absolutly devastated.
    • Tragically, unbeknownst to her, Sandra is indeed turning a new leaf, and the vampires that attacked her where misguided, but at this point the damage is done, and once she meets Sandra again she makes it clear that she is done with her. It takes clearing-up the misunderstanding (thanks to Sam and Rebecca) and Sandra saving Crystal from another free fall later on for them to patch things up.
