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Tear Jerker / Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • Dear God, the ending scene in the Red Lodge after Laura's death. We see Laura's spirit, despondent, until she sees that her angel has returned to her, and begins to smile and cry. Sheryl Lee's acting in that scene is something that has to be seen.
  • Donna asks Laura what would happen if a person were falling in space. Her answer. "Faster and faster. And for a long time you wouldn't feel anything. And then you'd burst into fire. Forever... And the angels wouldn't help you. Because they've all gone away."
  • Laura's breakdown when she finds that pages in her diary have been ripped out, snarling that BOB has been having her since she was twelve. Also a bit later when she realises that BOB is her dad, crying and choking on the grass.
  • Laura's goodbye to James, screaming and bursting out before embracing him and shouting she loves him in tears. Sheryl Lee perfectly portrays the scene as Laura completely falling apart and fully aware she will be dead soon and that these will be her final words to James.
