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Tear Jerker / Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • Optimus Prime's death is a big one, even when you know it's coming. Especially as he tells Sam to run and save himself as it happens.
    Optimus Prime: Sam... run... ru-
  • Optimus Prime's inspirationally heroic declaration of love for humanity towards Megatron's sickeningly cynical lack of respect for life:
    Megatron: Is the future of our race not worth one human life?
    Sam: (panicked) Get up, GET UP!
    Optimus Prime: You'll never stop at one. (equips faceplate and weapons to fight the trio of Decepticons) I'LL TAKE YOU ALL ON!
  • Ron Witwicky's heartrending cries when Sam is (temporarily) killed by Megatron. Outliving One's Offspring indeed...
    • Even before, with Sam telling his father: "You've gotta let me go. You've gotta let me go." Especially contrasted with how eager his dad was to ship him off to college at the beginning of the movie.
    • Bumblebee's reaction to Sam's death. All he could do was whine with terror and anguish. He couldn't vocalize his feelings.
    • The scene where Megatron watches in horror and anguish as Optimus kills the Fallen. Watching Megatron, of all bots, express sadness over anyone is jarring, but then one has to remember that, for all his flaws (and there are MANY of them) Megatron isn't necessarily a soulless monster...
