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Tear Jerker / Sailor Moon: Another Story

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • Poor Sailor Saturn had to watch her father Doctor Tomoe die in front of her eyes. Ironically, if you chose the better option of fighting Stone Dagger, the Daimon that took over Tomoe, you get much sadder music playing as Tomoe dies and Sailor Moon hugs Saturn to comfort her.
  • It's shown that Beryl wasn't always evil. She was once a decent person, if plagued by jealousy. Sailor Moon is even sad about the idea that she's going to become their worst enemy.
  • Sailor Moon's Heroic BSoD over the idea of Queen Serenity dying after meeting her in the past, due to the fact that it was meant to happen.
