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Tear Jerker / Plan 9 from Outer Space

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  • You wouldn't think this film would have any, but if you've seen the film Ed Wood, then the scene with Bela Lugosi outside his house will likely be this for you. The narration about the old man leaving "never to return" just makes it worse. Lugosi's performance in the opening funeral scene is quite effective. It's also an occasion where Wood's limited budget improves the scene - the tiny number of extras at the funeral adds weight to just how much the old man has lost. While the narration is delivered in a fairly bombastic way, the actual words about the old man's loss and his grief are legitimately both sad and moving. If you've ever witnessed a similar situation in real life (such as elderly grandparents who had been married several decades, and how one tends to go downhill quickly once they've lost their beloved spouse), it can hit very close to home. The fact that it was Lugosi's final performance only makes it hit even harder.
