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Fridge / Plan 9 from Outer Space

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As a Fridge subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • Actress Joanna Lee (Tanna) is seen cracking up in the background when Eros exclaims "You're styupid minds! Styupid! STYUPID!" Joanna Lee's main career was writing for children's cartoons, and she created the character the Great Gazoo. It's probably no coincidence that she was the one to lose it during that scene, since she must have had a big appreciation for campy humor.

  • With the aliens defeated, nothing is to stop the humans from inventing the solaranite and wiping out the entire universe. Since this is the Ed Wood universe we are talking about, the Fridge Horror comes from the fact that the aliens almost succeeded in stopping them.
