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Tear Jerker / Octopussy

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  • The death of 009 bringing the Fabergé egg to the British embassy. Made sadder by the fact that he was disguised as a clown.
  • Octopussy recalling her father's death, preferring to kill himself rather than face dishonour.
  • Vijay's death.
    • Q was the one to find Vijay, and he lived just long enough to tell Q who was responsible for it. Sadly, by the time Bond returns to his friend there's nothing he can do for him, and he quietly covers his body out of respect.
    • When another character blithely declares "No problem", Bond winces, clearly thinking of Vijay.
  • The look on Octopussy's face when she confronts Kamal Khan in his palace following his treason speaks volumes on how she feels about being duped and left to die in a nuclear apocalypse.
