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Tear Jerker / Monty Python

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  • In "Parrot Sketch Not Included", the final shot shows all the Pythons in a cupboard. While this is not a sad scene itself, this was the last time all the Pythons appeared together on screen together as a month before this broadcasted, Graham Chapman passed away. Despite his ill health, he was still able to record this scene before his death.
    • Chapman also appears to be the only Python to be sitting down while in the cupboard. This is because of how ill he was and was too weak to stand up.
      • If that doesn't show how ill he was, if you watch his final interview, you can see how almost unrecognisable he looks. His face looks more pale aswell.
  • While rehearsing for Monty Python Live (Mostly): One Down, Five to Go, Terry Jones had problems reciting his lines. This is because he had early onset dementia which would unfortunately take his life in 2020.
